
Visit Healthy People 2030

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and review the Health Communication objective: Increase the number of state health departments that use social marketing in health promotion programs — HC/HIT‑D01. This is a developmental objective, meaning there is no baseline data yet, however, this will become a core objective for Healthy People 2030. What I want you to do is choose a state health department to review and see if they are utilizing any social marketing campaigns. One way to find a state health department is to search “[insert state] health department website”. Then, search their website for any social media accounts and review the content used for their health communication. If you need more information on what social marketing it, download this CDC pdf here. Next, select your local community health department (or city health department) and search their webpage. Are they employing any social marketing strategies? Between the state and local health departments, which is utilizing social marketing more? Provide an example of one of the social marketing strategies used by each health department and discuss why it is or is not effective in communicating the health message? Then discuss why social marketing is important for health communication. 

Your paper should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and follow APA 7th edition formatting. The reference pages is not included in the page limit. 

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