educ 600 part 1 Research Paper – Annotated Bibliography

MUST BE ORIGINAL IN APA AND PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS AND REFER TO THE GRADING TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE MEETING ALL THE REQUIREMENTS. IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION OR NEED HELP PLEASE ASK  this is a 2 part assignment if you do part 1 you must do part 2My topic :stages of development” with this approach of reporting current research associated with the different stages of development and how research has proven these stages to be reach and the positive or negative outcome of all the stages of development.i want to explore more on the stages how we as humans develop among each stageEACH ARTICLE MUST BE ONE PARAGRAPH SUMMARY Research Paper – Annotated Bibliography InstructionsAn annotated bibliography is a bibliography covering all the different articles found on a specific topic with a summary of the given research. Locate at least 8 sources related to your research topic and create an annotated bibliography. Each of your sources must be academic (from a scholarly journal) and recent (written within the last 5 years). IMPORTANT: Include at least 5 empirical articles. Use correct and current APA format for the citations and for the summaries of the articles. DO NOT use the article’s abstract as your summary; you must read the article and summarize it yourself. Review the instructions for the Research Paper – Final for more information about the requirements for your research paper. Wikis and blogs are not acceptable sources for this assignment.EXAMPLE:Rand, D. C. (1997). The spectrum of parental alienation syndrome (part I). American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 15(3), 1–8.Deidre Conway Rand, a forensic psychologist, traces the history of what Dr. Richard Gardner termed Parental Alienation Syndrome. Rand states in his article that Gardner coined the term Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in the mid-80s after over 10 years of working with children in high-conflict divorces. Since Gardner’s contribution to civil forensics, there has been much debate as to the accuracy of PAS. Rand describes the problems and the contributions that have followed Gardner’s suggestion of PAS. He summarizes by clarifying that PAS is a developing concept in forensic psychology and that courts are abusing the terminology.Research Paper – Annotated Bibliography Grading RubricStudent:ElementsCriteriaPoints PossiblePoints EarnedSummaries·         Spelling and grammar are correct.·         Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.·         Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures.·         Specific article topics are related to the identified subject matter.·         Significant research findings are specified as they relate to identified subject matter.·        Summaries are written in 1 paragraph (each).·         Summaries are written with a logical and clear flow.12.5Bibliography·         References are cited in proper and current APA style.·         At least 5 of the 8 sources are empirical.·         Sources are current (published within the last 5 years).·         Punctuation is correct.·         All elements are present.·         All elements are in correct order.37.5Total50Instructor’s Comments:

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