Edu 599 journal 3


In this journal, you will reflect on your perceived strengths that relate to your portfolio theme.

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In 1–2 pages (excluding attached artifacts), complete the following:

  • Identify and describe at least three main strengths in relation to the theme of your portfolio.
  • Analyze how you have developed these strengths throughout your coursework in the M.Ed. program and through your work experience. Support your discussion by identifying and discussing one piece of evidence or artifact from previous coursework that illustrates each strength.
  • Attach one to three pieces of evidence or artifacts from your work environment to demonstrate ongoing personal and professional development with respect to the strengths you identified. Identify the ID and title (for example: EDU599 – Education Capstone) of the courses for which you had produced the assignments.
  • If you do not have any workplace artifacts, reflect upon ways to amplify your strengths in order to better meet the needs of your current or prospective work team or organization. (This will become your artifact submission.)

Note: When incorporating information from the workplace, be sure to remove all identifying information such as the name of the organization, the names of individual affiliates, and sensitive or proprietary information. Check with your supervisor before you share information from your workplace.

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