EDIT Discussion and Peer Response – Dancer 17

EDIT – Due date: Sun Feb 21 11:59PM

Complex and Interdependent Relationships

The instructor will post one discussion question that serves as our class discussion. This is where you will add your experiences as well as additional sources to the topics of the week. Each original post is worth 5% of your final grade.

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These posts are to be discussions and NOT reiterations of the material. You should bring original thoughts to the conversation and NOT simply summarize the information. Think critically and bring to light ideas and/or concepts that are new and share a different perspective.

Discussion Post Question: With specific examples, explain and describe the complex and interdependent relationship between consumers, advertisers, media companies, and media employees.

Directions for each discussion post:

  • Think critically about your answers and write thoughtful and insightful sentences.
  • Students are expected to: (1) originate their own post AND (2) respond to at least TWO additional classmate’s thread. Make sure you include the other classmate’s FULL NAME when responding.
  • Original posts should be 200 words long. Responses to your peers’ posts have no word limit, but to receive full credit you must respond to specific ideas from their original post, not simply indicate that you agree or that you liked it. Good posts should be concise and to the point and should not ramble or deviate from your point. Posts that are way under or way over the word count will result in a loss of points.
  • This is not a case of how much you say, but rather how you reason and support your argument.
  • Proper grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph-format are required.
  • Refrain from just “agreeing” or “liking” your fellow classmate’s response.


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– Summarize the word document. I have 636 words for the discussion! The professor is very specific, no more, no less than 200. 

– 2 Peer response to classmates. There’s no word limit but please don’t exceed 200!! I will send my classmates post once main discussion has been submitted. 

Complex and interdependent relationships

In response to discussion post question

Consumers, advertisers, media companies, and employees of the media need to have complex and interdependent relations because they both get mutual benefits. In this world of the market today, there is a need for independence. Which will play a key role in increasing the sales of goods and affect both the demand and supply in the market? Media is a way to communicate the ideas of the company to the other targeted group. Media play a crucial role to affect the demand and supply of a certain product in the market. ( Chu, et al. 2020) A well-advertised product by the media will result in high demand for the product hence increasing its supply because the producers want to make more money. For example, a good relationship between media employees and the company will lead to the company depending on the media employees for the advertisement of their manufactured products. This will be a mutual benefit to both because media companies will generate more money as well as manufacture company increasing their sales of goods hence making profits. Advertisers also depend on the media to lay a platform for advertising products on behalf of their employers.

In response to Lisa Ganisky

I agree the future of business is the mesh; this is because many business investors invest in the wrong profession. For the example she gave about the zip car company, Zipcar is the largest car sharing and car club service. But during the start of this company it took them so many years to penetrate the market, this may be caused by poor relationships and interdependence between the company, its consumers, advertisers, media companies, and media employees. (Vyas, 2020) Media play a key role in communicating the ideas and thoughts of any partnership company. If the company had a good relationship with the media, its penetration into the market would have been easy. Lisa also gave an example showing how it took ten years for zip car to get a thousand cars while the European counterpart company took only six months in the market to get a thousand cars. Media lays a platform for advertisement of most of the various organization products, if the zip car company could have used the media well like creating an online app for the company, services could have been closer to their consumers. Also, media employees play a crucial role, they are celebrities who move people with their opinions, and they have a greater influence on the market today.

In response to Philip Evans

I agree the use of data can transform business, about transaction costs which hold the business together, the relationship and interdependence between the consumers, media, advertisers, and media employees can enhance data transformation in the business. An example that Philip gave was; in the past time, people used to write information in books called an encyclopedia, this wasted a lot of time and energy compared to now where everybody can access the data on Wikipedia. He was in agreement that Wikipedia replaced the encyclopedia, this is through technological development, where the world has moved from the analog way of transferring data to digital way. (Schwertner, 2020) This strengthens the relationship and interdependence among the consumers, media companies, media, advertisers, and media employees. Because this makes it easy for the media during the advertisement to even display visual images of the product that will entice the consumers. Through technology it will bring competition to the current market through competition of the various organization, consumers will not be exploited. It will result in fare pricing of the goods and quality goods being produced. Philip also agreed that data has transformed many businesses such as the medical industry. Through technology, many businesses can offer their service through media.

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