Economic and social benefits of the Slow Food movement

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 Economic and social benefits of the Slow Food movement 

Please answer the following question after reading the required reading – Lecture 5.1 (see attached document), scholarly journals (writer’s choice), and following the guidelines below.

Question: What are some economic and social benefits of the Slow Food movement? What are some potential economic and social consequences? How has Terra Madre served to address the charge of “elitism” within the Slow Food movement?  In which realms might it still make improvements?

The writer may use outside scholarly journals on the subject.

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This is a substantive (250 words at least) and should reflect some depth of engagement with the ideas in the required reading including lectures.

A quality substantive:

· An original and well-developed contribution to the discussion.

· Critical review or interpretation of the session lecture and assigned readings that is relevant to the forum topic.

· Well-argued opinions supported by evidence

· New information from sources not in the required readings, properly cited at the end of your comment post.

· Initiating threads must include citations from two or more of the class text and/or other non-class texts that are relevant, with APA style as needed to support your statements.

· Bioregional perspective (Blackstone, Massachusetts or Central Massachusetts in general)

· Visual material or graphics that illustrate the point(s) you want to make.

· Should demonstrate command of academic English with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

· Please proofread

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