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I n teract i ve Invent ion & Innovat ion

Pro ject

Upper Elementary Grades

Lisa Papeck©


Table of Contents:
Cover Page 3

Rubric 4

Your Assignment/Project Requirements 5

Advertisement Requirements 6

Product Requirements 7

Speech Requirements 8

Speech Guidelines 9

Successful Shark Tank Inventions 10-13

Inventions Made By Kids 14-15

Brainstorming Page 16-17

New Business Request 18

Student Checklist 19

Worksheets for Students to Fill Out During


Shark Tank Judges Question Guidance Sheet 21

Optional Extension Feedback Activity 22

Student Examples 23-26

Lisa Papeck© 3


I n teract i ve Invent ion & Innovat ion Pro ject

Name: ______________________________________

Partner(s) Names: ____________________________________________

Due Date: ________________________________________

Lisa Papeck© 4

Shark Tank Rubric

Category 4 3 2 1

Preparedness Students are
completely prepared
and have obviously

Students seem
pretty prepared
but might have
needed a couple
more rehearsals.

Students are
prepared but it is
clear that
rehearsal was

Students do not
seem at all
prepared to


Speaks clearly, stands
up straight, looks
relaxed and confident,
and establishes eye
contact with everyone
in the room during the

Speech sounds
professional and adds
dramatic effects to
make presentation
more engaging.

Speaks clearly,
stands up straight
and establishes
eye contact with
everyone in the
room during the

Speaks clearly
most of the time,
sometimes stands
straight up and
establishes eye

Often mumbles
or cannot be
slouches and/or
does not look at
people during

Knowledge of

Shows a full
understanding of the
product and is able to
accurately answer
almost all questions
posed by classmates
about the topic.

Shows a good
understanding of
the product and is
able to accurately
answer most
questions posed
by classmates
about the topic.

Shows a minimal
understanding of
the product and is
able to
answer a few
questions posed
by classmates
about the topic.

Does not seem
to understand
the product
very well and is
unable to
questions posed
by classmates
about the topic.

Advertisement Advertisement follows
all requirements, is
persuasive and is well
thought out.

Follows all
requirements and
is persuasive.

Follows almost all
requirements and
is persuasive.

Follows very
little of the
and is not

Product/Idea Product/idea is
demonstrated through
the use of a prototype,
poster, etc.
Product is creative and
well presented.

Product/idea is
through the use of
a prototype,
poster, etc.
Product is

Product/idea is
through the use of
a prototype,
poster, etc.
Product is not very
creative and not
well presented.

Product/idea is

Lisa Papeck© 5

Your Assignment
Over the next few weeks, you will be working by yourself or with one or two partners of your

choice to invent a new item or innovate an existing item. Your item can be a brand new idea or

it can improve an idea that already exists.

“Shark Tank” is a popular TV show that gives people the opportunity to make their dreams come true

and become successful and wealthy business people. These people are called entrepreneurs. Most

entrepreneurs who enter the “Shark Tank” have a great new idea that they believe will help solve a lot

of problems in the world and/or want a mass amount of

people to know about their product/idea/business. They

present or “pitch” their idea to the sharks. These sharks

are wealthy business people who have already become

successful based on their own inventions/innovations.

The sharks then decide if they want to invest, or spend

money, of their own in this brand new idea/product in

the hopes that it becomes successful and they can make

money of their own. You are now going to be starting a

business of your own!

Welcome to the Shark Tank!

Project Requirements:

1. Create/improve a product that solves a problem and that you believe will be
the “next big thing!”

2. Create an advertisement to persuade others about how great your product is
and why they should buy it.

3. Write a sales pitch, or speech, persuading the “sharks” (classmates) to invest
in your business.

4. Present your product and sales pitch to the “sharks.”

Invention: The creation of a product or introduction of a product for the first time. Ex) Camera

Innovation: Significant changes and improvements are made to an existing product. Ex) Apple computers, iPod


DMagaz in e


Lisa Papeck© 6

Your product/idea needs to be advertised!

Advertisement ideas:
• Commercial (Video)

o You may use a camera to film the commercial with real actors/props.
o (This works the best!)
o Any other video making website (Powtoon, iMovie, etc.)

• Magazine Ad
• Poster

o Hand Drawn
o Print out pictures and glue onto poster board
o (Digital Poster)

• Digital Presentation
o Google Slides/PowerPoint
o Haiku Deck

*Any other ideas please approve with me first

Needs to

I nc l ude :

è Name of product
è Cost of product

è Where you can buy product
è What the product does

è What problem the product solves
è Pictures of the product
è Appealing visuals (pictures)

è Catchy Slogan!

C lk e

Adver t is e
Here !

Lisa Papeck© 7

Product Requirements

There needs to be some visual of the product/idea that you are

presenting. There are many different things you can create.

Prototype: An actual physical first model of the invention. The
prototype does not have to work.

Example: Ava the Elephant ©.

Prototype (made from sponges, clay and fabric): Actual product:



Poster/Display board/Digital Presentation:
This would be more appropriate for an invention/idea that is either too

big/hard to create or does not require a physical model.

Example: Tower Paddle Boards ©

Lisa Papeck© 8

Speech Requirements
• Your speech should be between 3-5 minutes long.
• It should be catchy and persuasive! You are trying to convince the “sharks”

that there is a need for your product and that their world will be a lot better

once they purchase your product.

• During your speech, you
should show your advertisement

and have your product and
product’s name displayed

somewhere for the “sharks” to

see. You can place it on a table,
have a picture of it, display it

on the AverMedia, project it

onto the SMART Board, etc.

• Be dramatic! Be clever! Be creative!

o To “win” the sharks over, make
your presentation as engaging as

you can!
o To enhance your presentation,

dress up! This is not required
and will not affect your score,
however, it could persuade the

“sharks!” You can dress professionally, coordinate with your partner(s),

etc. The ideas are endless!


Lisa Papeck© 9

Speech Guidelines

1. Introduce yourself.
a. State your name, where you’re from, and the name of your company.

“Hi, I’m Al Bubba Baker from Avon Ohio.
I’m the owner of the De-Boned Baby
Back Rib Steaks.”

2. Sell your product!
“My daughter is going to make you ribs…in a
microwave…in 2 minutes!”

3. Share your passion!
“Football was my job. Barbeque is my

4. State the problem.
“Sadly, my wife doesn’t like ribs because they are too messy! So I promised to find a
way for my wife to be able to enjoy ribs.”

5. Ask a question about how to solve the problem.
“But how do you make ribs less messy?”

6. State the solution!
“You take the bones out! After 20 years I found the perfect method and the De-
Boned Baby Back Rib Steaks were born.”

7. State how your product is different and BETTER than others!
“We are the ONLY people that have removed the bones from an actual slab of rib
leaving the meat unbroken so that everyone can enjoy ribs with a knife and fork!”

8. Explain your product and what it does.
“Our De-Boned Baby Back Rib Steaks are not pieces of meat formed in the shape
of a rib.”

9. End in a creative way.
a. Ask a question to get the sharks thinking.
b. End with your slogan.
“Boneless meats are the way of the future and the future is NOW! Make no bones
about it sharks, it’s time for some ribs!”

Example: De-Boned Baby Back Rib Steaks

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Successful Shark Tank Inventions

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Lisa Papeck© 13

Plate Topper
Chord Buddy

Nail Pak

Lisa Papeck© 14

Inventions Made by Kids!

Crayon ho lders Wr i s t i es

Man Cans © Magnet i c Locker Wa l l paper

T i c-Tac-Tag Game © SMART Whee l ©

Lisa Papeck© 15

Pops ic l e Ear Muf fs

Trampo l i ne Bot t l e Cap Jewe l ry

Water Ta l k i e

T- Pak © (V ideo Game Ho lder )

Lisa Papeck© 16

It is important to brainstorm your ideas before you jump right in. Use this page to write

down everything that you are thinking.



Questions to Consider

• What problem will my product solve?

• What inspires me?

• Who is my customer?

• What makes my product different than others in the market?
• What will I need to create the product?

• How much will I sell it for?

• Who are my competitors?

• How will I persuade others to buy it?

• What will the name of my product be?
• What will be a catchy slogan for my product?

Ph i l M cKi nney

Lisa Papeck© 17

(Brainstorming continued)


Sketches of Product:

Lisa Papeck© 18

New Business Request
You must fill this out and receive approval from your teacher before beginning your project.

Name(s):____________________________________ Date: ________________

Name of Product: ___________________________________________________

Invention ☐ Innovation ☐

What does your product do? _____________________________________



What problem does your product solve? ______________________________


How will you create your product? What materials will you need? _______________


Lisa Papeck© 19

❒ I have brainstormed and come up with an idea, filled out the “New

Business Request” form, and got it approved by my teacher.
❒ I have created an advertisement and have made sure I included the

following in it:
o Name of product
o Cost of product
o Where you can buy the product
o What the product does
o What problem the product solves
o Pictures of the product
o Other visuals (pictures)
o Catchy slogan

❒ I have written a persuasive speech (“pitch”) and have followed the
“Speech Guidelines.”

❒ I have created a prototype of my invention/innovation.
❒ I have pract iced and rehearsed my speech multiple times and

memorized my lines.
❒ I have reviewed the rubric and know what is expected of me.
❒ I am ready to answer any questions the “sharks” might have about my

❒ I am ready to go!

Lisa Papeck© 20

Name: _________________________

Directions: Fill out the following information as you listen to each presentation.

Name of product/company: ______________________________________________________

What problem does the product solve? ______________________________________________

How much does it cost? _________________________________________________________

Where can you buy the product? __________________________________________________

Is the product an invention or innovation? ____________________________________________

What question(s) do you have about the product? _______________________________________



Would you purchase this product? __________________________________________________

Name of product/company: ______________________________________________________
What problem does the product solve? ______________________________________________
How much does it cost? _________________________________________________________
Where can you buy the product? __________________________________________________
Is the product an invention or innovation? ____________________________________________
What question(s) do you have about the product? _______________________________________
Would you purchase this product? __________________________________________________

Lisa Papeck© 21

• How much does your product cost?
• Where can I buy it?

• How did you come up with the idea?
• What inspired you to create the product?

• What were some challenges in creating the product?
• What was the most fun part of creating the product?

• Who is your ideal customer?
• What kind of people are you trying to get to buy your

• What problem does your product solve?

• What makes your product different than others in the

• Do you have any competitor companies/products in the

• Why should we invest in you as a person/group?

Your Questions:

Lisa Papeck© 22

Optional Extension Feedback Activity

Students get into their groups that they presented with and they write one

positive thing each group did during their presentation. The feedback has to

be positive and specific! Also, the students can offer one piece of

constructive feedback or one thing they could have done better to make their

presentation even more outstanding! (There is always something to improve


*Groups should also give themselves feedback too!

After they finish, they cut the strips up and glue them onto each group’s
poster. (I just used construction paper).


Lisa Papeck© 23

Student Examples

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Lisa Papeck© 26

Lisa Papeck© 27


Visit my store at:

– Miss Papeck


Kid Inventions: CNBC and Great Business Schools, Images: Google, ABC, Shark Tank
Successes: The Richest

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