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Assignment #.2

You must follow the instruction below carefully.

· Answer the following 12 questions as per the instructions specified to each.

· All but number 7 have 2 points. Number 7 rates 3 points.

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· Please write the questions and answers together, when you submit your work.

· Due – 11/9//2020 @11.59pm

· Post your work to canvas



Are developing countries experiencing a demographic transition much like the one developed country did at their earlier stages of economic development or are there important differences?

1. How can an increase in human capital lead to an increase in GDP? Why might it not lead to an increase in GDP?

1. Given that education is a multi-tier business (pre-school, elementary, secondary, tertiary…), supposedly of you are tasked to advise education reform in a developing country where quality is a toll order, which level you would pick to start from? Would you justify why your choice?


Discuss the concept of the Universal Health Care (UHC), as formulated by UN-SDG’S and explain why it is so important to ensure the long-standing challenges of the health system in this country.

1. What are some of the differences between the population policies of China and India? What factors may have contributed to their success or failure?

1. Explain some of the reasons why developing countries have not realized a greater positive development impact from their higher education programs.


Critically evaluate the pros and cons of food aid to developing countries, its consequence in long-term agriculture development of developing countries. Is there anything you can recommend?

1. Explain the following statement “agriculture is both an agent and a remedy of climate change”.

1. Critically evaluate the following statement: Government policies to keep the price at which staple foods are bought and sold low helps to reduce poverty and inequality.

1. Describe the costs of water pollution and deforestation.

1. Describe the basic issues involved in setting up a system of national accounts that includes the value of environmental capital and its loss.

1. Is sharecropping economically efficient or inefficient? Explain

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