early childhood


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Learning Environments – 50 points

Please access and watch the youtube video using the following link:  

“Indicators of Quality Early Learning Environment” (Links to an external site.)

or you can go to YouTube and type the following topic in the search bar:”Indicators of a Quality Early Learning Environment”

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Next address the following questions/areas of concern:

Talk about the ways that the environment of a child care center differs from that of a family child care setting. What are the benefits and drawbacks of setting up an ideal play and learning environment in a home setting? What are the common characteristics of a good environment for children of multiple ages, whether in a home or a center? Make sure to include the following:

  • The need for a supervised area for children who sleep or nap
  • The need for setting up areas for different types of play
  • The need to provide opportunities for both quiet and active play
  • The importance of storing materials at appropriate heights
  • The need to have a place for storing each child’s personal items
  • The need to consider safety when considering toys, materials, and acitivities

Physical Development – 50 points

The physical development of a child is extremely important.  Physical development refers to the development of gross-motor or large-muscle skills, such as crawling, walking, and batting, and of fine-motor or small-muscle skills, which are involved in tasks such as eating, writing, cutting and drawing (Segal, M., Bardige, B., Bardige, M., Breffni, L., and Woika, M., 2012).

Develop a one day lesson plan for an activity that you want students to do to increase their physical development skills. Your lesson plan gives a teacher a guide to class learning. Be creative in an activity where the classes will do something to increase physical development. Use the lesson plan template and lesson plan rubric in creating your one day activity. You may not have every item on the template filled out, but you should use most of the items in a lesson plan. Be specific in your lesson plan.

Example Lesson Plan Template-1 x

Teacher’s Name:

Content Area:



Dates of Lesson Plan:



Lesson topic :Lesson topic should is specific addressing social studies content area: Your topic should be specific enough to cover all parts within the given time.

Key State Standards

· List Standards relevance to state. Content is effectively presented. EACH standard is to be taught to mastery level within this unit.

· List NCSS standard addressed in the lesson and present content effectively to be taught to mastery level within the lesson.

Instructional Plan: Organize your lesson plan under these subtopics.

Lesson Objectives:Lesson plan objectives are clearly stated as performance outcomes; properly sequenced, and planned for different instructional levels. For example- Students will be able to explain the impact of over population in China.

Teaching Strategies:Lesson plan has variety of teaching strategies incorporated throughout the plan and referenced to objectives.

Teaching Materials and Technology: Lesson plan uses variety of technologies and more than two teaching resources. Resources are carefully selected and suited to objectives.

Introduction: Describe how you will introduce the day’s learning targets and expectations of students.

Student Learning Activities: Lesson plan includes skillful selection of challenging learning activities to meet lesson objectives and target individual differences (e.g., multiple intelligences, learning styles, performance modes, various levels).

Use of Higher Order Questions/evidence of critical thinking: Lesson plan utilizes a variety of higher order questions to guide frequent student-centered activities. Evidence of critical thinking (analysis, synthesis, prediction, evaluation) found throughout unit plan.

Assessment, materials and procedures for assessing learner progress:Assessments are appropriately selected for the content, age of students and unit objectives. Learner attitudes toward content and instruction are also assessed.

Academic Feedback: State specific feedback you plan to use in response to students’ participation in class activities (oral and written).

Conclusion:Lesson plan includes conclusion that clearly sums up the main ideas are related to the objectives.Describe how you will close out your lesson

Reflections: Lesson plan includes clearly articulated reflections on opportunities missed and what can be done to improve future lessons.

Summary Notes:

State Learning Objectives for the day

Present:  describe how you will introduce the day’s learning targets and expectations of students.

Apply:  describe what the students will be doing to apply the information presented; include

materials used, activities students engaged with, any appropriate assessments to be used,

academic feedback you will use, Include appropriate differentiation, enrichment and/or

remediation strategies.

Review:  describe how you will close out your lesson and reflect on opportunities missed and

you may do better if you were to redo the plan.

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