DV wk11 Research Paper


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Background: According to Kirk (2016), composition is about how the elements will appear in your design.

Assignment: Write a research paper that contains the following:

  1. Discuss the visual assets such as charts, interactive controls, and annotations that will occupy space in your work.
  2. Discuss the best way to use space in terms of position, size, and shape of every visible property.
  3. Data representation techniques that display overlapping connections also introduce the need to contemplate value sorting in the z-dimension, discuss which connections will be above and which will be below and why. Show example using any chart or diagram of your choice.

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words) excluding cover page and reference page.  It should be double-spaced, have at least 2 APA references, and typed in Times New Roman 12 font. Include a cover page and a table of content.

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