Due Oct 5th by midnight (EST)… No more than 2100 Words APA 7th ed.


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Corporate Social Responsibility

Much has been written about the relative advantages and disadvantages of corporate social responsibility. In this paper you will evaluate these arguments in a case study of a company that is thought to be highly socially responsible. Your analysis should examine the ways in which the identified organization demonstrates its social responsibility and how its socially responsible practices impact the company’s reputation and success.

Select a company from the list of socially responsible companies listed by Advertising Age (http://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/10-companies-social-responsibility-core/143323/). 

In a paper of no more than 2,100 words (exclusive of title, abstract and reference pages), make a case for or against the contention that the company you have selected is truly socially responsible. Evaluate the activities of the company and determine the extent to which you find these activities to be socially responsible and advantageous to the organization, or self-serving and disadvantageous to the organization, or, perhaps, both.  Make sure to consider contrary opinions by researching critics of the company (for example, research “name of the company criticism”). Reference Hartman, DesJardins and MacDonald (2017) to identify, analyze and explain the model of corporate social responsibility exemplified by the company. In your estimation, does good ethics mean good business for this company? Why or why not?

In addition to required readings and any websites from which you access information, reference at least four additional academic sources (academic journal articles) to support your analysis, evaluation and recommendations. 

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References to Include:

 Hartman, L. P. & DesJardins, J. R., & MacDonald, C. (2017). Business ethics: Decision-making for personal integrity & social responsibility (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 

 Rhode, D. L. (Ed.). (2006). Moral leadership: The theory and practice of power, judgment, and policy.  San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. 

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