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Reaction Paper A Reaction Paper is designed to “develop and sharpen your critical thinking and writing skills. Your objective in writing this assignment is to define an issue clearly and to formulate and clarify your position on that issue by reacting to a controversial statement.” Each of the five papers is worth 4% of the course grade. The paper must be at least 500-750 words, excluding the title page, abstract page, and reference page, and must adhere to the APA sixth edition writing format. Please reference the APA example given in the Resources section. If your paper does not fully comply with this format you will lose points.

Please write a reaction paper to the controversial statement given below based upon the website viewed earlier and your readings in the text.

“The threat from illegal drugs is more dangerous to society than the threats from human trafficking or other illegal goods or services. Describe why you agree or disagree with this statement.”


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 search HIDTA to identify designated High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA).




 and read the State Department Trafficking in Persons document on “Global Human Trafficking.”



CRM330 – Department of Justice

 to identify a criminal case that will provide an enhanced understanding of the broadly diverse nature of organized criminal enterprises.

Chapter 11 attached separately. Book Information: Abadinsky (2017). Organized Crime 11th Edition.

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