Due date Saturday night

Complete this midterm essay examination by responding to four of the following five questions:

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  1. Is it possible for the U.S. Government to employ dual-use, all-hazards systems to protect U.S. transportation systems and critical infrastructure? Provide an example of a dual-use, security/safety system for both a transportation system and a component of critical infrastructure that would address the risk of terrorism and other non-intentional hazards (either man-made or natural).
  2. Is the function of homeland security maintained wholly by the Department of Homeland Security, or is this function shared among other governmental and nongovernmental agencies? Explain your answer and give examples.
  3. Do you believe that the Director of the Office of National Intelligence will ever be able to reverse decades of cultural differences and turf battles between the various intelligence agencies of the U.S. Government? Why or why not?
  4. Is the U.S. government doing enough to protect the borders of the country? In your opinion, is this the most important element of preventing terrorist attacks within the country? Can you name any shortfalls that exist with regards to border security in the United States that could be exploited by terrorists? Provide references to support your opinion.
  5. Explain, as specifically as possible, how the function of homeland security is managed at the state and local levels.

Keep the following in mind when completing this midterm essay examination:

  • When developing your answers, remember, you must include (cited) facts to support the major points in your response. Your responses should not include continuous citations without your thoughts and analysis also. Rather, your responses must reflect a balance between facts and your perspective on the points you made.
  • Your responses to each of the examination questions should be a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages in length, double spaced, and written in 11-point Arial font or 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Include the question you are responding to immediately before each answer.
  • Include a title/cover page.
  • Just a reminder: Include some cited references and format them in the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style (6th edition).
  • Submit your exam in one MS Word document and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox for grading.
  • The examination is due before the end of this module.

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