due 2/25/2021 assignment5

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Public Policy Lecture Feedback & Response Assignment #5

Public Policy Alternatives, Analysis and Choices Lecture Review

Student Name: Date:

Please answer the following questions regarding policy analysis covered in the reading materials associated with Lecture 10 and 11.

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1. What are evaluative criteria for policy making? Why are they used?

2. What two evaluative criteria are most used in policy decisions?

3. Please list the eight (8) evaluative criteria presented in figure 6-1 of the Kraft and Furlong text. Please briefly define each of them.

4. What are the three economic methods used in policy analysis? Please define each of these.

5. In Writing Public Policy by Smith, she discusses why policy should be presented/argued. Please list three of the reasons that she says policy arguments are important and needed.

6. Define incremental policy making, which is the dominant policy making style in the United States.

7. When might incremental policy making be advantageous? When might this style present challenges?

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