Drafting, Reflecting, and Reviewing the Analysis Paper

 Drafting, Reflecting, and Reviewing the Analysis Paper

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 Write a rough draft for your analysis paper and provide some reflections about that draft.  Provide peer review of reflective letters and, if desired, drafts. 

Read this article, “

Reflective Writing and the Revision Process: What Were You Thinking?

,” which is linked here. Then draft a letter to your reader and make it your initial post in this forum.  Use the following questions to help you write this Dear Reader letter.

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  • My intentions for this essay were…
  • I wanted the paper to successfully do this….(talk about purpose and effects)
  • I imagine that my target audience looks like this…
  • The process I used to build this draft involves these steps…
  • I arrived at the topic and narrowed it in the following way…
  • My pre-writing steps involved the following…
  • Challenges I faced included these…
  • Pleasant surprises I encountered in the process were…
  • I made a few/many changes as I went along and they were…
  • I had to make some decisions that related to…
  • The work we’ve done in previous forums helped me in the following way(s)…
  • The primary take-away I want my reader to have from this paper is…
  • My suggestions to others writing a similar paper would be these…

*** Since you are all majoring in different fields of study, and some of you may be using APA, Chicago/Turabian, or MLA for your essay format and citations, please tell me in your post which notation style you are using.  The final submission must be correctly formatted with citations.***

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