Draft of Capstone Presentation

 Topic:  Relationship Between Patient Care and Ability to Pay. 

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  • Based on your rough draft of your capstone research project, develop your summary presentation (using MS PowerPoint) that will provide an overview of the key aspects of your project.
  • Submit your draft capstone research presentation for review and feedback from your instructor.


Rough Draft

Rough Draft

Berzeline Boldyrev

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Herzing University

Some important healthcare management theories that will be focused on this paper include Attribution theory, Evidence-based management, and Utilization management. Attrition theory focuses on how individuals explain the cause of events and behavior. For instance, is an individual angry because someone wronged them, or they are bad-tempered? Evidence-based management refers to making decisions concerning people and management using available evidence and critical thinking. These decisions are important as they have significant impacts on the satisfaction of healthcare workers, the organization’s performance, profits, and reputation. Evidence-based management helps people to avoid making the wrong decisions.

Utilization management refers to specific approaches used by purchasers of healthcare benefits to control costs associated with healthcare by influencing decision making inpatient care (Haddock, 2002). It involves using managed care approaches that allow payers to manage healthcare benefit costs by determining its appropriateness before it is provided. Roles included in utilization management include physician adviser, reviewers, and program manager. Policies of utilization management may consist of a balance of responsibilities, frequency of reviews, and priorities. The utilization management criteria are based on medical guidelines acquired from vendors, developed in-house, or created to align with certain conditions.

The principles are to maintain the team spirit, clearly define roles, and enhance performance. Subsequently, differentiated thoughts are created on the theories and principles. Improving measurement and analytics generate cross-functional workgroups and establish a data-driven strategy for the best system (Alexander, Kinhan & Savage, 2016). When cross-functional teams cooperate, they are likely to achieve common goals within a short period. They also feel more connected, which enhances trust. This helps in conflict resolution and improves problem-solving. These workgroups also make work interesting, promoting the individual productivity of team members.

Management Skills in Leadership

Various management skills make it possible for organizations to achieve their goals, including proper communication, awareness, integrity, relationship building, and innovation. Proper communication ensures that all team members clearly understand their roles in the organization. This ensures to prevents duplication of roles, significantly improving the performance of the organization. Awareness plays a significant role in the achievement of organizational goals. It allows teams to understand their goals and align them with the vision of the organization. It also helps team members understand what needs to be done and how it should be done to achieve the expected results (Barr & Dowding, 2019).

Integrity refers to the ability of the leaders to lead by example. An effective leader does the right thing, and this motivates employees to follow his/her steps. Relationship building is also a critical skill that is needed in leadership to achieve organizational goals. This ensures that team members can work together to achieve a common goal. This enhances creativity in the team as members are free to develop new ideas that could prove vital for achieving specific goals. Innovation also plays a critical role in helping organizations achieve their goals. It allows team members to come up with new ways of completing their task.


Alexander, D., Kinhan, P., &Savage, B., (2016) “Eliminating Unwarranted Variation in Care” (PDF). GE Healthcare. Retrieved from


Barr, J., & Dowding, L. (2019). Leadership in health care. SAGE Publications Limited. Retrieved from


Haddock, C., (2002). “A brief History of Healthcare Management” Archived 2012-09-04 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved from


Learning Objective

Outline of Materials

Supporting References

Critiques determinants and health and disease measurements in epidemiology, public health, and promotion of health and disease prevention.

Distinguishes the health services organizations and delivery structures, functions, and professionals.



Compares unique characteristics of law and ethics in health services

Evaluation of the existing relationship between epidemiology and public health.

Application of epidemiology in public healthcare centers

Importance of epidemiology in public healthcare systems

The role of organization health systems in healthcare centers

Purposes of healthcare delivery systems

Components making up a health care delivery system

Existing ethics and corresponding values in clinical practice

Healthcare code of ethics and standards of practice

Health care professionals code of ethics and conduct

Stoddart, G. L., & Evans, R. G. (2017). Producing health, consuming health care. Why are some people healthy and others not? (pp. 27-64). Routledge.

Castañeda, H., Holmes, S. M., Madrigal, D. S., Young, M. E. D., Beyeler, N., & Quesada, J. (2015). Immigration as a social determinant of health. Annual review of public health, 36, 375-392.

Holt-Lunstad, J., Robles, T. F., & Sbarra, D. A. (2017). Advancing social connection as a public health priority in the United States. American Psychologist, 72(6), 517.

JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT. (2008). Journal Of Healthcare Management, 53(1), 67-70. DOI: 10.1097/00115514-200801000-00013

Bauchner, H., Berwick, D., & Fontanarosa, P. B. (2016). Innovations in health care delivery and the future of medicine. Jama, 315(1), 30-31.

Bauchner, H., Berwick, D., & Fontanarosa, P. B. (2016). Innovations in health care delivery and the future of medicine. Jama, 315(1), 30-31.

Gillers, S. (2014). Regulation of Lawyers: Problems of Law and Ethics. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

Barry, R., Johnson, S. H., Jost, T. S., & Schwartz, R. F. (2007). Health Care, Law and Ethics.

Gillers, S. (2014). Regulation of Lawyers: Problems of Law and Ethics. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

Outline Matrix – Health Care Management Research Capstone Project

Directions to Students: Using the template below identify the following:

· Column 1: Research Capstone Project/Learning Objective

· Column 2: An outline of how you plan to cover the materials in your final resource paper.

· Column 3: Identify the supporting references you will use for each program/learning objective.

Once complete save the file as the following: Boldyrev, Berzeline, week, date (08.02.2020)


Rough Draft

Rough Draft

Berzeline Boldyrev


Herzing University

Some important healthcare management theories that will be focused on this paper include Attribution theory, Evidence-based management, and Utilization management. Attrition theory focuses on how individuals explain the cause of events and behavior. For instance, is an individual angry because someone wronged them, or they are bad-tempered? Evidence-based management refers to making decisions concerning people and management using available evidence and critical thinking. These decisions are important as they have significant impacts on the satisfaction of healthcare workers, the organization’s performance, profits, and reputation. Evidence-based management helps people to avoid making the wrong decisions.

Utilization management refers to specific approaches used by purchasers of healthcare benefits to control costs associated with healthcare by influencing decision making inpatient care (Haddock, 2002). It involves using managed care approaches that allow payers to manage healthcare benefit costs by determining its appropriateness before it is provided. Roles included in utilization management include physician adviser, reviewers, and program manager. Policies of utilization management may consist of a balance of responsibilities, frequency of reviews, and priorities. The utilization management criteria are based on medical guidelines acquired from vendors, developed in-house, or created to align with certain conditions.

The principles are to maintain the team spirit, clearly define roles, and enhance performance. Subsequently, differentiated thoughts are created on the theories and principles. Improving measurement and analytics generate cross-functional workgroups and establish a data-driven strategy for the best system (Alexander, Kinhan & Savage, 2016). When cross-functional teams cooperate, they are likely to achieve common goals within a short period. They also feel more connected, which enhances trust. This helps in conflict resolution and improves problem-solving. These workgroups also make work interesting, promoting the individual productivity of team members.

Management Skills in Leadership

Various management skills make it possible for organizations to achieve their goals, including proper communication, awareness, integrity, relationship building, and innovation. Proper communication ensures that all team members clearly understand their roles in the organization. This ensures to prevents duplication of roles, significantly improving the performance of the organization. Awareness plays a significant role in the achievement of organizational goals. It allows teams to understand their goals and align them with the vision of the organization. It also helps team members understand what needs to be done and how it should be done to achieve the expected results (Barr & Dowding, 2019).

Integrity refers to the ability of the leaders to lead by example. An effective leader does the right thing, and this motivates employees to follow his/her steps. Relationship building is also a critical skill that is needed in leadership to achieve organizational goals. This ensures that team members can work together to achieve a common goal. This enhances creativity in the team as members are free to develop new ideas that could prove vital for achieving specific goals. Innovation also plays a critical role in helping organizations achieve their goals. It allows team members to come up with new ways of completing their task.


Alexander, D., Kinhan, P., &Savage, B., (2016) “Eliminating Unwarranted Variation in Care” (PDF). GE Healthcare. Retrieved from


Barr, J., & Dowding, L. (2019). Leadership in health care. SAGE Publications Limited. Retrieved from


Haddock, C., (2002). “A brief History of Healthcare Management” Archived 2012-09-04 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved from



Outline of Research Paper

Outline of Research Paper

Berzeline Boldyrev


Herzing University





Detailed analysis and assessment of healthcare management based on the theories and principles that govern them are carried out. They have differing opinions that exist as to how the healthcare systems should be run.
The knowledge of management captures, develops, shares and effectively uses knowledge for improved performance.
The management skills in leadership incorporate the strengths and abilities of individuals, how they oversee processes, and give guidelines and steer employees for proper goal achievements.

The theories include; Attribution theory, Evidence-based management, and Utilization management. The principles are to maintain the team spirit, ensure the division of labor, and focus on the results. Differentiated thoughts are then generated on the theories and principles.
Improving measurement and analytics create permanent cross-functional workgroups and deploy data-driven approach for the best system.
Proper communication, awareness, integrity, relationship building, and innovation are the skills that make goals achievable hence a well-coordinated organization.

 Haddock, Cynthia Carter “A brief History of Healthcare Management” Archived 2012-09-04 at the Wayback Machine 2002.

Alexander, Dana; Kinhan, Peter; Savage, Brandon. “Eliminating Unwarranted Variation in Care” (PDF). GE Healthcare. Retrieved 16 December 2016
Barr J and Dowding L (2019) Leadership in Healthcare. 4th Edition. Sage. London.

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