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Surveillance Capitalism-Centered Around Commodification

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Surveillance Capitalism-Centered Around Commodification


Annotated Bibliography

Zuboff, Shoshana. 

“Big Other: Surveillance Capitalism and the Prospects of an Information Civilization.”

 Journal of Information Technology 30, no. 1 (March 2015): 75–89.

The first article considered for the annotated bibliography is titled surveillance capitalism and an information civilization’s prospects. The report focuses on the emergent logic of accumulation in the networked sphere. Data extraction and analysis are the two primary lenses of the article. The author further explores the Varian’s assertions of the four uses, which stem from the computer-mediated transactions, the data extractions, and analysis of the new contractual forms to better monitoring.

As an assessment of the nature and results of these utilizations, the article reveals insight into the understood rationale of private reconnaissance enterprise and the worldwide engineering of PC intercession, at which point it depends. This design creates a circulated and, to a great extent, an uncontested new articulation of intensity that I dedicate: ‘Enormous Other.’ It is established by startling and regularly messy components of extraction, commodification, and control that adequately oust people from their own conduct while delivering new business sectors of social forecast and change. Observation private enterprise challenges law-based standards and withdraws in fundamental manners from the very long term advancement of market free enterprise.

Zuboff. (2019, August 21). The threat of surveillance capitalism and the fight for a human future. Retrieved from

 The second article used for the annotated bibliography is titled the threat surveillance capitalism and the fight for the human future. This was authored by Shoshana Zuboff and published in 019 has focused on the secrets of new capitalism and how they can make staggering wealth such as Google and how we can safeguard ourselves for these invasive powers. Further insights regarding how capitalism has been hijacked by the surveillance are discussed in the article.

 The author offers insights on that Most Americans understand that there are two gatherings of checked routinely as they move about the nation. The primary crowd is observed automatically by a court request necessitating that a GPS beacon is joined to their lower leg. The next gathering incorporates every other person. The author opens our eyes to the lots of people being monetizing data today as one provides free information to companies like Google, they will sell the data. Private enterprise has been commandeered by a worthwhile observation venture that undercuts the “typical” developmental systems related with its chronicled achievement and debases the solidarity of gracefully and requests that has for quite a long time, anyway defectively, fastened free enterprise to the veritable needs of its populaces and social orders, hence empowering the productive extension of market majority rule government.

Sevignan. (2013, December 6). (PDF) The commodification of privacy on the Internet. Retrieved from

The third article considered for the assignment is tilted commodification of privacy on the Internet, authored by Sebastian Sevignani and published in 2013. From a political economy viewpoint on an open arrangement, this paper investigates the commodification of security on the Internet as a pragmatic financial and a desultory cycle. On the one hand, predominant online plans of action struggle basically with clients’ requirement for protection, and the users themselves take a shot at their weakness in such manner (“(PDF) The commodification of privacy on the internet,” 2013). Then again, there is a private talk that is possessive individualistic; however, comprehensively advises the public policy process.

The author has insightfully demonstrated in this paper, and there is a problematic connection between protection as standard freedom and privacy as an item in entrepreneur market societies. From this understanding, it very well may be gotten that, although useful in progressing political discussions, the conceptualization of security as a common right or freedom probably won’t be sufficient to break with the ware rationale. Interestingly, are thinking of security should focus on a more social conception of protection. I believe such a social origination will become more possible and helpful the more non-market circles on the Internet and society develop, but certain viewpoints would already be named.

Lyon, D. (2019). Surveillance capitalism, surveillance culture, and data politics 1. Data Politics, 64-77. doi:10.4324/9781315167305-4

The fourth article considered for the annotated bibliography is titled surveillance capitalism, surveillance culture, and data politics, authored by David Lyon and published in 2017. The author focused mainly on the escalation of the levels of data dependency. He demonstrates surveillance as the main characteristic of interactions between governments and enterprises, businesses, and all organizations. It remains an aspect of everyday life. 

The article offers insights regarding why surveillance is emerging as a critical aspect of our everyday life, as witnessed in mundane imageries and practices like complacent data donation social rankings. However, the author insightfully demonstrates that these trends do not reflect innocent cultural developments and practices as they echo and embody an emerging political action stage, which is termed as surveillance capitalism. 

Prodnik (2012, May 1). (PDF) A note on the ongoing processes of commodification: From the audience commodity to the social factory. Retrieved from

 This article authored by Amon Prodnik argues that commodity form play a key role which is often overlooked in the studying of capitalism. The central focus of the article is on demonstrating how commodity forms often overlap and the role it plays in the key works of critical theory. The surveillance capitalisms use the human experiences as the raw materials for translations into behavioral data. The article demonstrates that the extraction imperative is driven b he mere desires of making profits.

The article insight s are critical as its findings are connected to the current neo Marxist approaches. And offer an understanding of commodification procedures. One of the financial guidance of observation free enterprise is offered which is extraction basic which requires the economies of scale. Profitability is tantamount to the measure of information assembled, the accessible registering limits and advancement in the AI systems. The economies of degree lays on the aphorism that the conduct surplus should not exclusively to be immense yet additionally differed in their profundities.



Big other: Surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization – Article – Harvard business school. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sevignan. (2013, December 6). (PDF) The commodification of privacy on the Internet. Retrieved from
Zuboff. (2019, August 21). The threat of surveillance capitalism and the fight for a human future. Retrieved from
Lyon, D. (2019). Surveillance capitalism, surveillance culture, and data politics 1. Data Politics, 64-77. doi:10.4324/9781315167305-4

Prodni. (2012, May 1). (PDF) A note on the ongoing processes of commodification: From the audience commodity to the social factory. Retrieved from

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