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Poverty level

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Poverty level

Poverty alludes to the pervasive human condition characterized by an inability to obtain or to provide a standard level of needs such as food, water, clothing, and shelter. Poverty exists in all nations and varying degrees and cannot disappear any time soon. Despite the United States of America is regarded as one of the wealthiest countries, millions of people are struggling in poverty (Mckeown, 2016). The statistics for overtly levels in Miami/Florida community include 22,7% of the population whose poverty level is determined by the Miami /Florida community, which is 13.9 k out of the 61k peoples they live below the poverty level line a number that exceeds the national average of 13.1%. The blacks account for more than 9700 individuals, more than 3400 whites, and more than 3280 Hispanic people (“North Miami, FL,” 2017).

Some of the issues that arise from the high poverty levels among black people and the whites in Miami, Florida, include the inability to afford a higher quality of education and better healthcare services, which increase the prevalence of illnesses associated with psychological distress like depressions. The poverty levels indicate higher discrimination cases against the black people in Miami and are characterized by an inability to have better education leading to decreased job opportunities (Mckeown, 2016). Different issues emerging from the significant levels of poverty among the community members include expanded extravagance for drug abuse and liquor admission and antagonistic impact related to such cases like more elevated levels of wrongdoing and self-destructive ideations. Instances of school dropouts are a lot higher among young ladies and young men, which further reduces their odds of securing high paying jobs.


Mckeown, A. (2016). Information poverty at the macro level. Overcoming Information Poverty, 115-145.

North Miami, FL. (2017). Data USA.

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