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Nursing course program

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Nursing course program evaluation

Nurses are some of the most critical professionals in our lives as they meet our needs in our most vulnerable moments. Nurses will help coordinate the clients’ care carried out by other members of the multi-disciplinary healthcare team such as the therapists, the medical physicians and the dieticians. They provide care services both interdependently by working collaboratively with the medical doctor and independently as the nurses. Teaching and assessments in the nursing courses are two dimensions within the same learning process which is quite challenging and demanding. There are multiple nursing courses and all of them need to have a thoroughly prepared course program to guide the teachers and students’ activities and ensure that they meet the course’s targeted learning outcomes and objectives (“Course descriptions,” n.d.). The course program is essential in informing the student what is expected of them during the course and the specific insights and skills they should develop by undertaking the specific course. The nursing graduate course overview, learning objective, the program goals and parameters of determining its success are discussed below.

The course overview.

 This course will be a preparation for the licensure nursing scholars to have access, oversee, exploit and communicate healthcare information from diverse foundations in a professional, legitimate and ethical way. Critical aspects of professional nursing activities, including written and oral correspodencies, information systems, teaching/learning values, fundamental legal and ethical contemplations, and advocacy, are added. Knowledge literacy skills are built by researching subjects related to the history of nursing, principles and hypotheses, healthcare systems and practitioners. Skills form the basis for safe clinical nursing and involvement in nursing (Dino, 2015).

Program goals for the graduate nursing program

The objectives for the graduate nursing programs include:

To train baccalaureate-prepared nurse professionals for leadership positions in clinical, advanced, nursing or administration.

Responds to the health needs of different environments of people, families, organizations, neighborhoods and societies.

The graduate nursing program course outcomes

By completing the program, every student is expected to be able to do the following.

Integrate radical theory, study, science and clinical experience into clinical practice to deliver nursing services to different customers.

Work with an interprofessional team individually and in partnership, offering direct and incidental health care services through different forms of well-being systems.

To strengthen practice and devise health strategies, use empirical results from nursing and other fields as the basis for medical decision-making (Robinson & Breen, 2020).

To employ ethical decision-making to encourage well-being in local, domestic and foreign cultures for people, families and health professionals.

To promote wellness, prevent diseases, and strengthen the well-being status of persons, families, organizations, groups and societies using evidence-driven practice guidelines and professional care standards.

Demonstrate communication skills to improve treatment quality at individual and aggregate levels, including patient information management.

Demonstrate individuals and organizations’ capacity to provide for secure, efficient assessments, preparation, implementations, and evaluations in interprofessional collaboration relationships.

Provides all people with cultural competence regardless of ethnicity, sex, sexuality, age, socio-economic status, history, health care and beliefs.

To acts a future leaders and as change agents in the nursing and wellbeing care delivery system by ensuring quality care for the vulnerable and the underserved populations (Sienkiewicz & Megerdichian, 2019).

To demonstrate responsibility and be accountable for ongoing professional development.

Evaluating the course’s success within the program

This study discusses recent studies on how teaching and learning to be reflected and restructured, combined with new assessment methods and faculty proficiency growth. These results can reform the undergraduate education of a considerably more significant number of undergraduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Nevertheless, all college or university participants need to dedicate themselves to developing strategies to introduce and maintain such changes. The success of this course in delivering skills and required competencies in students will be determined in various ways, including:

Development of expected student learning outcomes for each individual, counting laboratory expertise.

Determination of the scores in the student stage of learning in which he/ she should have developed specific knowledge and skills. Appropriate assessments in the form of examinations and tests will be used to determine the student’s understanding and knowledge in specific course areas. These assessments will be used to provide informative feedback to the individual learners to enhance the curriculum and instructions. We will be performing periodical adjustments of the learning outcomes where appropriate and assess the learning against (Vrentas, 2019). This process would be significant in leading to a continuous improvement of the curriculum and the instruction methods.

The faculty will be challenged in its coaching by a set of situations that most courses in other disciplines often do not come across, such as scheming the laboratory and the field components, incorporating the emerging technologies into the courses, and supervising the students performing original research. Student’s responses in each of the following arrangements would be studied based on the information they provide regarding individual knowledge and performance and then contrasted to the students’ classes for hints about strong points and faintness in the curriculum and instructions. These are the standard methods used to assess student performance:

Student periodicals,



Focus groups,

Collaborative encounters and standardized tests, among others.

Benefits of the outcome assessment

For faculty to restructure course goals to concentrate on student learning outcomes, consent to extensively learn results for the whole program, and choose or improve suitable resources for assessing them, it can be challenging and time-consuming. It may be similar or more challenging for faculty to regularly collect and analyze appraisal data and then build upon those inputs. However, some of the positive, multidimensional improvements from departments that took evaluation seriously have been reported (Sienkiewicz & Megerdichian, 2019). The divisions are continually reviewing their curricula. They create new courses and slowly delete others as needs shift.

Other alterations that the outcome assessment has prompted include the faculty executing more vigorous learning mechanisms that will enable the learners to practice the concepts and theories they are learning in classes. The alumina and employers can be called in to serve as the instruction and learning elevators and to debrief the learners of the expected skills and professionalism levels in the working environments. Feedback from the organizations where the student will be posted is critical in determining the course success.

How the course fits within the program and aligns with the program outcomes.

This course will allow the program faculty to demonstrate the curriculum’s role and significance in the syllabus and assist in verifying that the curriculum is applicably structured and balanced to accomplish the program objectives. The course further provides an opening for the faculty to identify the existing gaps and redundancies and make deliberate conclusions regarding whether they are conventional. This course is linked to more than one program objective (“Course descriptions,” n.d.). One of them is providing professional nursing graduates who are expected to be organizational leaders and agents of change in the nursing industry and meet people’s needs. The course is also aligned to solve the healthcare issues facing the most vulnerable members of society, such as children, aged, and the poor.


 The teaching and learning will depict the instructor’s activities at the course levels. First of all, the instructor has to determine the students’ learning objectives and offer the learners an opportunity to learn what they need to know to accomplish these objectives. The curriculum design is beneficial as it gives the students and teachers the direction in which the course is expected to take, and each has an understanding of what is expected of them. The program evaluation is critical in determining the course success in meeting its objectives.


Course descriptions. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Dino, J. N. (2015). New graduate nurse programs and clinical decision-making.

Robinson, M., & Breen, H. (2020). Online nursing education: A collaborative approach: A collaborative approach. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Sienkiewicz, S., & Megerdichian, S. (2019). Clinical nursing calculations. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Vrentas, C. E. (2019). Teaching trek: Reflections on participation in the Indo-U.S. Teaching professorship program †. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 20(1). doi:10.1128/jmbe.v20i1.1553

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