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Running Head: Attitudes Towards Vaccines and Intention to Vaccinate Against COVID-19 1

Attitudes Towards Vaccines and Intention to Vaccinate Against COVID-19 2


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Attitudes Towards Vaccines and Intention to Vaccinate Against Covid-19


Negative attitudes of people towards the covid19 vaccine is a big challenge to curb the disease. The COVI-19 has recently been developed and everybody is required to be vaccinated. The attitude and willingness of many people are based on the side effects of the vaccine and the newness of the vaccine (Koplon, 2021). The side effects of the vaccines include headache, fever, fatigue and swelling on the of the injected site. The effects of a normal person should fade away after few days and if they persist then one has to visit the relevant healthcare. Before administering the vaccine, it would be crucial to understand people’s willingness to get the vaccine. It is essential to identify people’s willingness to get vaccinated before passing a policy that everyone should be vaccinated (Paul et al., 2021). the survey helps to gather the willingness of the people to get vaccinated.

A survey should be used to uncover unknown answers, opinions and comment. The study will help to acquire people’s perceptions to identify which ways can be put in place to identify ways to create awareness on the importance of the vaccine. Survey will ensure everyone is at the forefront of preventing the pandemic. Survey is important to inform the policy makers on the formulation of effective policies that will build confidence in the vaccine. People may be reluctant to take the vaccination due to a lack of knowledge of the vaccine ingredients. This survey will help the government estimate the vaccine’s impact on the citizens (Wood, 2021).


The survey research’s general objective is to determine the attitude of university students towards vaccinating against covid-19.


Koplon, S. (2021). Why it’s safe and important to get the COVID-19 vaccine. UAB News.

Paul, E., Steptoe, A., & Fancourt, D. (2021). Attitudes towards vaccines and intention to vaccinate against COVID-19: Implications for public health communications. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, 1, 100012.

Wood, N. (2021). COVID vaccines have been developed in record time. But how will we know they’re safe? The Conversation.

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