Document Exercise 3.3: Quoting Practice


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Using your textbook, write a paragraph answering the questions below. You can use

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page or put the answer on your own Word document. Then, upload to the submission.

Chapter: 24, World War Two 

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Question: What was the role of the U.S. in the European war before the bombing of Pearl Harbor? Include quotes from the chapter: an attributed quote and an integrated quote. 

Sample (Links to an external site.)


Chapter: 1, The New World 

Question: What were the main countries involved in European Expansion? Include quotes from the chapter: an attributed quote and an integrated quote. Review the Quoting tutorial

here (Links to an external site.)


There were several countries involved in expansion in the New World. The first were Scandinavian seafarers who explored Iceland and Greenland before Columbus. Portugal also sent quite a few explorers around the world. According to the American Yawp, “Prince Henry the Navigator… invested in research and technology and underwrote many technological breakthroughs (Yawp, chapter 1, section III).” Not to be outdone by Portugal, “Spain yearned for its own path to empire (Yawp, chapter 1, section III).” This motivated Spanish monarchs

to fund the voyages of Christopher Columbus. 



Analyze a Secondary Source – Paragraph Sample

Your name: Lauran Kerr-Heraly

Chapter: 1, The New World

Question: What were the main countries involved in European Expansion? Include quotes from the chapter: an attributed quote and an integrated quote.

There were several countries involved in expansion in the New World. The first were Scandinavian seafarers who explored Iceland and Greenland before Columbus. Portugal also sent quite a few explorers around the world. According to the American Yawp, “Prince Henry the Navigator… invested in research and technology and underwrote many technological breakthroughs (Yawp, chapter 1, section III).” Not to be outdone by Portugal, “Spain yearned for its own path to empire (Yawp, chapter 1, section III).” This motivated Spanish monarchs


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