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Module 3 – SLP

Learning Organizational Processes

This SLP assignment focuses on demonstrating practical application of the concepts discussed in a case.

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The student will demonstrate understanding of what an organization and business process are, to include describing the relationship between organizational structure and business processes. The discussion is one from a practical perspective using a specific organization as the focus of the discussion.

Paste these instructions on the cover page of your case paper, using a small font.

After reviewing the required reading for this module (and if you have time the optional reading), and using the work accomplished in the case, select a specific organization and write a 3-page paper addressing the following areas:

What organizational development activities did you witness?

Describe organizational learning mechanisms used in the organization. Did the organization specifically train individuals on the IT systems to support the processes of the organization?

Did some individuals display personal factors that deterred them from learning?

Did any parts of the organization display issues that deterred learning?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Submit at minimum a 3-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using most of the required reading, and if possible the optional reading and 1 outside reference.

The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will also have an introduction that states the purpose of the paper and what will be answered, as well as section headings that guide the reader throughout the evolution of the discussion.

Quotations should only be used for definitions so that the student can demonstrate the ability to synthesize and articulate knowledge from the required reading.

All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited at least once.

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Module 3 – Outcomes

Learning Organizational Processes

Comprehend and defend the difference between professional development activities and organizational development activities.
Identify learning gaps and develop solutions using several types of organizational learning mechanisms.
Distinguish and demonstrate the ability to classify and critique individual level factors that deter from learning.
Evaluate and develop solutions to organizational environment issues that deter learning.
Assess the impact of organizations specifically training individuals on the IT systems to support the processes of the organization.

Comprehend and defend the difference between professional development activities and organizational development activities.
Evaluate and develop solutions using several types of organizational learning mechanisms.
Distinguish and demonstrate the ability to classify and critique individual-level factors that deter from learning.
Evaluate and develop solutions to organizational environment issues that deter learning.

Identify and assess the types of organizational activities of a familiar organization.
Distinguish and assess the organizational learning mechanisms in a familiar organization.
Articulate and assess the factors (phenomena or issues) that may deter some members from learning in a familiar organization.

Illustrate and defend who is responsible for organizational development activities in an organization and which ones they support.

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Module 3 – Home

Learning Organizational Processes

Modular Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:

Comprehend and defend the difference between professional development activities and organizational development activities.
Evaluate and develop solutions using several types of organizational learning mechanisms.
Distinguish and demonstrate the ability to classify and critique individual-level factors that deter from learning.
Evaluate and develop solutions to organizational environment issues that deter learning.

Identify and assess the types of organizational activities of a familiar organization.
Distinguish and assess the organizational learning mechanisms in a familiar organization.
Articulate and assess the factors (phenomena or issues) that may deter some members from learning in a familiar organization.

Illustrate and defend who is responsible for organizational development activities in an organization and which ones they support.

Module Overview

Unless we are talking about business classes, when you go to school you learn foundational topics or areas of discipline. It is not until you start working in an organization that you learn about that organization’s business processes.

When you enter an organization, you do not learn math, how to read, or accounting; you are supposed to know that before you start.

What you learn is process related: how they start, what resources are used, the rules or instructions, activities, and what the processes produce.

As you will see, there are different types of learning mechanisms and activities that businesses either specifically or unknowingly put into action to bring employees up to speed about their processes.

Additionally, there also mechanisms at play that hinder business process knowledge transfer.

Finally, some people either do not have the capacity to learn them or are focused elsewhere.

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Module 3 – Background

Learning Organizational Processes

Blau, G., Andersson, L., Davis, K., Daymont, T, Hochner, A., Koziara, K., … Holladay, B. (2008). The relation between employee organizational and professional development activities. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72(1), 123-142.
Focus on Paragraphs 1.1 and 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.
Ashforth, B., & Mael, F. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of Management Review, 14(1), 20-39.
Focus on the material starting on page 24.
Clifford, J., & Thorpe, S. (2007). More ways than one… exploring the use of different learning methods in organizations. Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(5), 267.
Focus on the four broad learning categories starting at the bottom of page 268.
Ng, T. W. H., Butts, M. M., Vandenberg, R. J., DeJoy, D. M., & Wilson, M. G., (2006). Effects of management communication, opportunity for learning, and work schedule flexibility.
Read Paragraph 2.2.
Orpen, C., (1997). The effects of formal mentoring on employee work motivation, organizational commitment and job performance. The Learning Organization, 4(2), 53.
Focus on the introduction.
Alderfer, C. P., & Smith, K. (1982). Studying intergroup relations embedded in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 27(1), 35-65.
Read the section titled “Groups in Organizations” on page 38 and stop at the end of the five intergroup relations phenomena at the top of page 40.

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Module 3 – Case

Learning Organizational Processes

Assignment Overview

This Case Assignment focuses on phenomena within an organization that enable or hinder learning about business process. The discussion is one from a scholarly perspective, not from any given organization.

Case Assignment

Paste these instructions on the cover page of your case paper, using a small font.

After reviewing the required reading for this module (and if you have time the optional reading), write a 5-page paper addressing the following questions/topics:

What are professional development activities and organizational development activities according to Blau et al, (2008); what are the differences between the two?
Explain/describe and contrast organizational learning mechanisms according to Clifford and Thope (2007), as well as Bleu et al (2008).
What are individual-level factors that deter from learning about processes according to Ng et al., 2006 and Orpen, 1997? Find 1 or 2 external sources if you can, and compare them to those identified by these authors.
Explain organizational environment issues that deter learning about processes. Compare and contrast the works of Alderfer & Smith, 1982 and Ashforth & Mael, 1989, as well as 1 or 2 external sources.

Summarize your findings on why individuals learn about processes in organizations or are hindered from learning within organizations.

Assignment Expectations

Submit at minimum a 5-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using all of the required reading, and if possible the optional reading and 1 to 3 outside references.

The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will also have an introduction that states the purpose of the paper and what will be answered, as well as section headings that guide the reader throughout the evolution of the discussion.

Quotations should only be used for definitions so that the student can demonstrate the ability to synthesize and articulate knowledge from the required reading.

All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited at least once.

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