Diversity PowerPoint

Assignment: Create a 12 slide PowerPoint that includes best teaching practices used to include culture responsiveness in the early childhood classroom. In the note section of the slides list  References and resources used to create the content for the presentation 

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SupportingDiversity and Culture in the Early Childhood Environment PowerPoint

· Assignment: Create a 12 slide PowerPoint that includes best teaching practices used to include culture responsiveness in the early childhood classroom. In the note section of the slides list References and resources used to create the content for the presentation

· The presentation will include audio that supplements the bullet points in the slides.

· Rationale Paper: Type a 2page paper and Specify the different activities and how to plan to include children and Families of diverse cultures inside the classroom.

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©2015 Walden University 1

CECSCP 001: Apply Professional Knowledge and Skills (Capstone)

Synthesize and apply knowledge and skills to address real-world issues or needs in the early childhood field.

Assessment Rubric

Not Present

Needs Improvement

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Apply knowledge and skills related to issues and needs in the early childhood field in authentic contexts.

Learning Objective 1.1:
Apply knowledge and
skills related to issues
and needs in the early
childhood field in
authentic contexts.

Artifacts provide no
evidence of application of
knowledge and skills.

Artifacts provide limited
evidence of application of
knowledge and/or skills.

Artifacts provide clear,
specific, and detailed
evidence of ability to apply
both knowledge and skills
related to each area of

Demonstrates the same
level as “2” plus the
following: Artifacts are
complex and multifaceted
and are designed to
intentionally exhibit key
elements and/or
characteristics of the
related areas of expertise.

Sub-Competency 2: Justify evidence of ability to apply professional knowledge and skills.

Learning Objective 2.1:
Justify evidence of
ability to apply
knowledge and skills.

Written rationales are
missing or incoherent.

Written rationales are

Written rationales provide
clear and logical
justifications for the
artifacts as global evidence
of ability to synthesize and
apply both knowledge and
skills in each area of

Demonstrates the same
level as “2” plus the
following: Written
rationales are compelling
and include analysis of
how the artifacts evidence
specific elements and/or
characteristics of the
related areas of expertise.

Professional Skill 001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.

Learning Objective 1.1:
Use proper grammar,
spelling, and

Multiple major and minor
errors in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics

Multiple minor errors in
grammar, spelling, and/or
mechanics are distracting

Writing reflects competent
use of standard edited
American English.

Grammar, spelling, and
mechanics reflect a high
level of accuracy in

©2015 Walden University 2

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations


are highly distracting and
seriously impact

and negatively impact

Errors in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics
do not negatively impact

standard American English
and enhance readability.

Learning Objective 1.2:
Organize writing to
enhance clarity.

Writing is poorly organized
and incoherent.
Introductions, transitions,
and conclusions are
missing or inappropriate.

Writing is loosely
organized. Limited use of
introductions, transitions,
and conclusions provides
partial continuity.

Writing is generally well-
organized. Introductions,
transitions, and
conclusions provide
continuity and a logical
progression of ideas.

Writing is consistently
Introductions, transitions,
and conclusions are used
effectively to enhance
clarity, cohesion, and flow.

Learning Objective 1.3:
Support writing with
appropriate resources.

Writing does not integrate
appropriate resources and
content in support of ideas
and argument.

Writing loosely integrates
some appropriate
resources and content in
support of ideas and

Writing sufficiently
integrates appropriate
resources (which may
include peer-reviewed
resources) and content in
support of ideas and

Writing effectively
integrates appropriate
resources (which may
include peer-reviewed
resources) and content to
support and expand upon
ideas and arguments.

Learning Objective 1.4:
Apply APA style to
written work.

APA conventions are not

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are applied inconsistently.

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are generally applied
correctly in most
instances. Sources are
generally cited
appropriately and

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are applied correctly and
consistently throughout
the paper. Sources are
consistently cited
appropriately and

Learning Objective 1.5:
Use appropriate
vocabulary and tone
for the audience and

Vocabulary and tone are
inappropriate and
negatively impact clarity of
concepts to be conveyed.

Vocabulary and tone have
limited relevance to the

Vocabulary and tone are
generally appropriate for
the audience and support
communication of key


Vocabulary and tone are
consistently tailored to the
audience and effectively
and directly support
communication of key

©2015 Walden University 3

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

Professional Skill 002: Oral Communication: Use effective oral presentation skills.

Learning Objective 2.1:
Use clear enunciation,
correct pronunciation,
comfortable pacing,
and appropriate

Presenter mumbles or
speaks in a monotone,
mispronounces words,
and/or struggles to find
appropriate pacing or

Presenter inconsistently
uses clear enunciation,
correct pronunciation,
comfortable pacing, and
appropriate volume.

Presenter engages the
audience through mostly
clear enunciation, correct
comfortable pacing, and
appropriate volume.

Presenter enhances
audience engagement
through consistently clear
enunciation, correct
comfortable pacing, and
appropriate volume.

Learning Objective 2.2:
Organize information
to be presented.

Information is disorganized
to a degree that impedes
audience understanding.

Organization of
information minimally
supports audience

Organization of
information generally
enhances audience
understanding of

Organization of
information significantly
enhances audience
understanding of both
general and specific
concepts, and promotes
audience engagement.

Professional Skill 003: Technology: Use technology tools effectively.

Learning Objective 3.1:
Use images and layout
of presentations to
communicate content
to a specific audience.

Images and layout are
inappropriate, hard to
read, and/or impede
audience understanding of
key concepts.

Images or layout provide
limited support for
audience understanding of
key concepts.

Images and layout
generally support audience
understanding of key

Images and design
elements are used
purposefully, and they
effectively support
audience engagement and
understanding of key

Professional Skill 005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional issues
and inform best practice.

Learning Objective 5.1:
Analyze assumptions
and fallacies.

Analysis of assumptions is

Response is weak in
assessing the
reasonableness of
assumptions in a given

Response generally
assesses the
reasonableness of
assumptions in a given

Response clearly and
comprehensively assesses
the reasonableness of
assumptions in a given

©2015 Walden University 4

Response does not
adequately identify and
discuss the implications of
fallacies or logical
weaknesses in a given

Response identifies and
discusses the implications
of fallacies and/or logical
weaknesses in a given

Response provides a
detailed and compelling
analysis of implications of
fallacies and logical
weaknesses in a given

Learning Objective 5.2:
Generate reasonable
and appropriate

Assumptions are missing. Response does not
adequately present and
discuss key assumptions in
an original argument.

Response presents and
discusses key assumptions
in an original argument.

Response justifies the
reasonableness and need
for assumptions in an
original argument.

Learning Objective 5.3:
Assess multiple
perspectives and

Assessment of multiple
perspectives is missing.

Response does not identify
nor adequately consider
multiple perspectives or

Response identifies and
considers multiple
perspectives and

Response justifies
selection of chosen
alternative relative to

Learning Objective 5.4:
Use problem-solving

Problems and solutions are
not identified.

Response presents
solutions, but they are
ineffective in addressing
the specific problem.

Response presents
solutions that are practical
and work in addressing the
specific problem.

Response presents
compelling supporting
arguments for proposed

Best Teaching Practices in a Cultural Responsive Classroom PowerPoint

13 slides……..

· Slide 1 – Title slide

· Slide 2- “We Live in a Culturally Diverse World”

· In this slide I will include 1 big picture that shows this concept inside of a Classroom ……

· Citations included in text for picture and note section for reference.

· Slide 2: “ What is Culture Responsive Teaching?

· In this slide in bullet form you will explain what is Culture responsive Teaching.

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 3: What are the Benefits of Culture Responsive Teaching?

· Explain or expound the benefits of Culture Responsive Teaching….

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 5: How do we Become Culturally Sensitive Teachers?

· Explain how teachers become Culturally Sensitive inside the classroom

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 6: What are Best Teaching Practices to Include Culture Responsiveness?

· Here I will List the 6 Best Teaching Practices

1. Create a Supportive Classroom Environment

2. Learn Your Students

3. Examine the Curriculum

4. Family Involvement or Connections

5. Building Relationships with other Students

6. Praise Children Accordingly

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 7 – 12 : Breakdown of 6 Best Teaching Practices used to include culture responsiveness

· In each slide I will discuss and or expound on each Teaching practice

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 13: Culture Responsive Teaching is Transforming

· In this slide explain how Culture Responsive Teaching is transforming as a teacher in teaching children from different cultural backgrounds but including all children as a whole

“Best Teaching Practices of a Culture Responsive Classroom”

Submitted by: Angel Winslow

Date: October 22, 2020

Class: CP001- “Applying Knowledge and Skills

“We Live In a Culturally Diverse World”

“What is Culture Responsive Teaching?”

“What are the Benefits from Culture Responsive Teaching?”

“How Do We Become Culturally Sensitive Teachers?”

6 Best Teaching Practices to Include Culture Responsiveness
Create a Supportive Classroom Environment
Learn Your Students
Examine the Curriculum
Family Involvement or Connections
Building Relationships With Other Students
Praise Children Accordingly

Create a Supportive Classroom Environment

Learn Your Students

Examine the Curriculum

Family Involvement or Connections

Building Relationships With Other Students

Praise Children Accordingly

Culture Responsive Teaching is Transforming

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