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‘Although women have made considerable inroads in the workplace … as a result of equity programs …, rising education levels …, and progressive work/life policies …, they continue to experience the ‘glass ceiling’ with respect to advancing into management ranks’ (Ng and Sears, 2017:133). Critically discuss. 

Topic 1:

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Topic 2:


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Submit an individual essay, addressing the question in a critical manner, accompanied by appropriate academic material.


‘Although women have made considerable inroads in the workplace … as a result of equity programs …, rising education levels …, and progressive work/life policies …, they continue to experience the ‘glass ceiling’ with respect to advancing into management ranks’ (Ng and Sears,


017:133). Critically discuss.

This coursework will count for 50% of your total mark for this course.

1. Do note that no assistance is given 48 hours prior to submission.

2. All essays are submitted online only, no later than midnight, Dubai time.


You should make sure you include the following sections in your work.


Title page
– must contain course information, title of assignment, registration number, date of submission and degree course

References –use the Harvard system.

Statement of Acknowledgement
– You must provide a brief statement of acknowledgement at the end of the essay, which lists all help received in undertaking the assignment, and a statement that you are aware of university policy and regulations regarding plagiarism, copying and collusion. For more information on this please see the School of Management UG Handbook, Plagiarism.

Format and Submission

This coursework is only an electronic submission. No printed copy is required.

Based on the guidelines below, your essay must be submitted on or before the deadline, on vision through turn-it-in (make sure to submit your final version of the essay under ‘final submission’ option under your subject).

The essay should be an individually prepared piece of work. The essay must be typed on A4 paper and double-spaced. It should be a maximum of 2500 words (excluding references) in length and all sources should be appropriately referenced, both in the body of the text and in a detailed reference list at the end.

Failure to submit this work will mean an automatic deduction from your final mark as per the school policy. Please consult your Student Handbook for information on Late Submission of Coursework and penalty resulting from late submission.

assessment criteria

The following general criteria will be used to assess your work:

Structure – This means how the essay has been organised to present a logical, coherent answer to the questions. A clear logical format with linked points and arguments is expected. A brief introduction is required outlining how the aim/objective of the essay and the way the arguments are presented. Identification of the objective(s) and completeness of the answer. Objectives should be related to the chosen topic area and should be clearly stated in the essay. A conclusion is required that summarises the key points and arguments and relate back to the original objectives of the essay.

Background material –
evidence of the background research drawing from literature sources. Should include enough descriptive content and factual information from which to derive arguments and assessment of key themes, issues and problems addressed. This also refers to appropriate referencing.

Argumentation and analysis –
the main argument of the essay should relate to the objectives you have initially stated. They should be supported by evidence, from a variety of sources in the literature. Accuracy is expected in the presentation and description of theories used in the argument ensuring conceptual clarity.

Presentation and communication
– the essay should be well planned – clear, coherent and well laid out. Relevant references and sources should be cited using a consistent and accepted style of referencing. Pay attention to spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction, intelligibility and presentation.

Your feedback sheet when the essay is returned to you will provide information on the key specific criteria that you were marked on as below:


Identification of relevant material

Completeness of answer

Argument and analysis

Logically and coherently argued

Appropriate use of theory

Link between theory and practice

Evidence of analytical skills

Development of own ideas/originality


Clear structure

Spelling, grammar, sentence construction




Evidence of wider reading and engagement with the literature

Full and accurate referencing

Example reference list

1. How to reference web news:

BBC (2010) Obama makes jobs priority. Available from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8484400.stm (Accessed 21 January 2014).

2. How to reference an e-book:

Chudley, R. and Greeno, R. (2006) Building Construction Handbook, 6th ed., Oxford: Elsevier. Available from: http://www.netlibrary.com/ (Accessed 3 January 2014).

3. How to reference an electronic or paper-based journal article:

Geraskin, S.A., Fesenko, S.V. and Alexakhin, R.M. (2008) “Effects of non-human species irradiation after the Chernobyl NPP accident”, Environmental International, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 880-897.

4. How to reference a periodical:

Motluk, A. (2010) “Who killed the Maples?”, New Scientist, 16 January, pp.30-33

5. How to reference a television programme:

Newsnight (2010) [TV Programme] BBC2, 25 January, 22.30.

6. How to reference a book:

Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (2008) Human Resource Management, 7th ed., Harlow: Prentice Hall.

7. How to reference a chapter from an edited book:

Tiesdell, S. (2010) “Glasgow: renaissance on the Clyde?”, in Punter, J. (Ed.). Urban Design and the British Urban Renaissance, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 262-279.

8. How to reference an on-line newspaper:

Travis, A. (2010) “Crime drops 8% despite recession”, The Guardian, 21 January. Available from: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/jan/21/police-figuresunexpected- drop-crime (Accessed 3 January 2016).

9. How to reference a paper-based newspaper:

The Times (2010) ‘Public sector pay freeze’, The Times, 21 January. P.3

10. How to reference a corporate on-line document:

Vodafone Group Plc. (2010) Code of Ethical Purchasing. Available from: http://www.vodafone.com/start/responsibility/supply_chain/code_of_ethical_purchasing.html (Accessed 3 January 2016).


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