
Pretend that you have been asked by the Student Senate here at your university to serve on a task force that will work to create an orientation workshop for incoming students. Consider that you will have students coming in that are direct-from-high-school, those transferring in from a community college, or those who are entering an educational environment after some time.  The purpose of this workshop is that you have been asked to help create is to acquaint students with the skills they need to be successful at the university, in the classroom and ultimately when they go out into the working world (even if they have already been working).

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Your responsibility focuses on the part of the workshop that deals with diversity skills.

This is what you are to do for this exercise:

  • Submit an outline of the diversity skills that will be taught in this course

    Briefly describe:

    Each skill
    The connection between the skill and student success
    Five specific resources (offices) at your university that students should get oriented to and be involved with while they are at your university that you believe will enhance their diversity consciousness – Indicate why you believe these resources will help them develop their diversity consciousness

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