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Your Research for Project 1


In three short paragraphs (about 100 words each) answer the following questions about each the three sources that you have chosen for your paper: 

What is the proper MLA or APA citation for your source?

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Who is/are the author/s and why are they credible?

What was the author’s purpose for creating the text you are using? 

Why is this a good source for your paper and how will it help you discuss your discourse community?


Discourse communities enable human resource manager to discharge their duties under the guidance of factors of community discourses. Discourse communities imply what one portrays to identify themselves with a certain discourse in the community. In this case, what human resource manager portrays in the discharge of their duties that identifies them to be human resource manager. These discourse community factors are saying, being, believing, valuing and doing, retrievable from



As a human resource manager, discourse community in my career path would have an influence under factors of actions, beliefs, language and values which I should possess to make perfect human resource manager. From the doing factor of a discourse community, I should have the ability to handle different issues simultaneously. Therefore, I should have an instinct to multitask. However, this discourse community factor would possibly with my ability to prioritize one event and course of action at a time. As a human resource manager, I should embrace ethics in the treatment of all employees, which is a belief factor of discourse communities (Scott, 2016). This discourse community factor aligns with my campaign and exercise of equality at the workplace. In addition, I should possess precise communication skills; a language factor referred to as saying under discourse communities. This discourse community factor aligns precisely with my language literacy hence would help me understand and impact employees through communications. I need to display values of effective conflict resolution intervention to maintain positive employee’s relationships (Harney, Dundon & Wilkinson, 2018). This value aligns with my excellent social relations skills; thus, I would be able to impact emotions that develop among employees.

As a human manager, I am connected with the discourse communities of shareholders, directors as executive management and the discourse of overseeing employee’s right. The discourse of shareholder connects with the discourse of human management to negotiate on human remunerations to increase their motivation. Increased motivation implies increased productivity hence increased shareholders value. The connection between my community discourse and that of direction is whereby I am responsible for negotiating on fringe benefits of employees for the director’s approval. Additional connection with this discourse is to negotiate on procedures of hiring and terminating employment contracts for our employees. Human manager discourse community is connected with the discourse community of employee’s right to ensure all employees’ right are exercised. Therefore, as a manager, I am responsible for exercising all employees rights as objected by the discourse community of employees benefits.

However, in my career, I have been undergoing the controversy of dividing the department of human resource managers (Paul, 2015) controversy issues of Human Resource Management, retrievable from


. Through my career serving as a human resource manager, I had a conflict with directors where they want to subdivide human resource management to come up with a field of administrator and constituent leader. I have always felt that a human manager is responsible of governing all employees and have disagreed with the perception that human resource manager is internally oriented this implies that they do not see the bigger picture of general organizational performance. This controversy has been related to the discourse community of small groups, among which employees identify themselves. These are the groups in which they work together through collaboration to achieve their targets. Some of these minor groups have been perceiving such a divide of human resource power as necessary while others have been campaigning for centralization of human resource management power.

As a human resource manager. There are various parts and factors of this discourse community that I should learn. Although I have not served as human resource management for a long time, I need to nurture expertise as a part of human resource management discourse community. Learning beyond degree level would make me a more competent human resource manager. Thus, I will be able to contend creatively any issue of human resource management that comes along my way. Additionally, I need to foster my presentation skills as a human resource manager. This is to be able to demonstrate process and procedures that employees should follow in the discharge of their duties.

As an identity to the discourse community human resource management, I think I am a full and competent human resource manager. Comparing my competencies and those of human resource management identity kit, I am a good and fit for responsibilities of the human resource manager. I possess qualities of confidence to confront challenges, ability to motivate employees, ability to resolve conflicts I have nurtured my expertise up to degree level, and I have a strong sense of ethics. However, I need to nurture my ability to believe in others. This way, I will be able to overcome the controversy of dividing human resource responsibilities and start to appreciate such a divide decision. I need to furthermore my expertise skills by pursuing matters in this field and is possible, up to PHD level (Oh, Blau, Han & Kim,2017). Remunerations parts of my discourse conflicts with retained earning part of shareholder’s discourse community.


Harney, B., Dundon, T., & Wilkinson, A. (2018). Employment relations and human resource management.


Scott, E. (2016). Ethics and human resource management. In Practicing professional ethics in economics and public policy (pp. 215-221). Springer, Dordrecht.

Oh, I. S., Blau, G., Han, J. H., & Kim, S. (2017). Human capital factors affecting human resource (HR) managers’ commitment to HR and the mediating role of perceived organizational value on HR. Human Resource Management, 56(2), 353-368.


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