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Imagine you are supervising Dave, an older adult who is nearing retirement. In the past, Dave has been an excellent employee. However, recently you have noticed that Dave has been making noticeable mistakes—overlooking important details, arriving at work late, and forgetting things. He has also been short-tempered on a couple of occasions. Reflecting on your own work place, what steps would you take to address the issues you have observed. What resources are available at your workplace to help you deal with this issue, as well as resources to help Dave?

Please remember, this is a discussion, but it is a scholarly discussion. As such, your posts should reflect having read and applied the course material. Your discussion posts (initial and peer response posts) should contain in-text citations and reference lists and follow current APA style and format.


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How can mental health professionals be better trained to diagnose mental disorders in older adults? In your chapter readings for this unit, your textbook described some of the challenges involved in diagnosing mental disorders in older adults. Additionally, you have reviewed the Capella multimedia Generational Themes.Based on your studies, compare and contrast factors that should be considered when diagnosing an older adult versus a younger adult. Support your discussion with recent, relevant peer-reviewed resources. Your Current Issues in Aging Resource Accordion file contains a variety of resources to help you complete this post.

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