Discussion: The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Quality Health Care

7 edition of APA format. 3 pargraphs. Please see references below. 2 references are needed. scholar authors only.

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Post a description of the role of the staff nurse for promoting quality in a high-performing health care organization. Define the organizational culture of your health care organization, or one with which you are familiar, and identify the leadership style of the CEO and CNO in your organization. Explain how your senior leadership supports—or does not support—changes that require financing/budget to support patient safety. Describe the strategies you might be able to implement to move your health care organization to a high-performing organization.


Spath, P. (2018). Introduction to healthcare quality management (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Chapter 10, “Managing the Use of Healthcare Resources” (pp. 249-280)
Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2019). Leading and managing in nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Chapter 1, “Leading, Managing, and Following” (pp. 1-18)
Chapter 5, “Gaining Personal Insight: The Beginning of Being a Leader” (pp. 76-87)
Chapter 20, “Managing Costs and Budgets” (pp. 357-375)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2016). Surveys on patient safety culture. Retrieved from http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patientsafetyculture/index.html
Bashaw, E. S., & Lounsbury, K. (2012). Forging a new culture: Blending Magnet principles with just culture. Nursing Management, 43(10), 49–53. doi:10.1097/01.NUMA.0000419492.49675.25

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