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1. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

What is an example of a rhetorical strategy or rhetorical fallacy that you might hear in the workplace? How might you use reasoning to counteract these arguments?

2. Do a response to the following in at least 175 words

I believe that we see all types of rhetorical fallacies in the workplace. A common fallacy I see in the workplace is people telling stories that you know are not true, but you also cannot disprove them. I know that people will say that they have done things in their past that sounds unbelievable. However, you cannot prove them right or wrong so you have to choose to accept what they say. I know this ties back to the earlier study of dishonesty. I know that this also can happen with management. They can tell you different statements that you know to be false, but you cannot tell your supervisor they are wrong. This kind shows multiple fallacies.

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3. Do a response to the following in at least 175 words

An example of a rhetorical fallacy used in the workplace that I have experienced is making decisions or jumping to conclusion about an incident without gathering all the details or facts. Some of my peers avoid performing more research on a situation because they are in a hurry to get off from work or, just simply neglect to understand the incident fully and are quick to make decisions to change a process. More often than not, we end up changing the process again because not enough information was gathered to make a change in the first place, and so it continues evolve. Trying to use and find the reasoning behind the decision making takes some work and time to make sure everything makes sense. Some of the negative situations that we have incurred in the past and even more lately could have all been prevented if some of the processes were better put together. I think that this example states the obvious but I feel that it has now become a normal thing to do all the time.

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