Discussion Reponses (#2)

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Discussion questions

1. How can the problem statement be best written to reflect one of the approaches to qualitative research?

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2. How can the purpose statement be best written to convey the orientation of an approach to research?

3. How can a central question be written so that it encodes and foreshadows an approach to qualitative research?

4. How can subquestions be presented so that they subdivide the central question into several parts?

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Response 1

How can the problem statement be best written to reflect one of the approaches to qualitative research?

Creswell & Poth (2018) describe the problems statement in layman’s term as ‘creating a rationale for the need for the study’.  The problem statement is derived from vary components as Creswell & Poth (2018) explain.  The problem statement can be best written by providing the argument to why this study matters, how it can benefit the field of study, which stakeholders it can benefit, and how it can help further research in the future.  Although research professionals may not clearly state this or lead to the purpose statement, I feel that the research problem is the central focus of the research. From my experience so far with qualitative research, everything in the research paper points back toward the research problem.

How can the purpose statement be best written to convey the orientation of an approach to research?

Trying to convey the orientation of an approach to research is an area that I find more difficult.  First, I think it is important to understand that Strauss and Corbin (1990) mention 5 approaches to research with phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, life histories, and conversational analysis which the Creswell & Poth (2018) textbook applies. The purpose statement can be written to directly state the approach of the study so that it is very clear and using words to encode the statement to indicate the action and focus of the research (Creswell & Poth, 2018). The purpose statement should also be encoded with words to foreshadow the approach to research by words such as ‘understand’ to notate a narrative study or ‘describe’ which is useful to describe phenomenology and case studies (Creswell & Poth, 2018).  Using words that Creswell & Poth (2018) have in Table 6.1 of the text are generally acceptable to understanding the approach that will be taken along with a direct statement of the approach in the purpose statement.  The writer of the textbook also suggests including a definition for the central question and phenomenon (Creswell & Poth, 2018).

How can a central question be written so that it encodes and foreshadows an approach to qualitative research?

I interpret the central question as being the research question, or the main question that states the purpose of the study with respect to the problem that is attempting to benefit from the field of study.  The central question can be written with using the words ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘what’ (Creswell & Poth, 2018).  There should be one single question that describes the main point of the study with the option of several subquestions.  The central question can be encoded just as you would encode the purpose statement.  Using the words ‘describe’, ‘experience’, ‘meaning’, ‘develop’ and many more just as you would use in the purpose statement is a good way to foreshadow the approach as well.   

How can subquestions be presented so that they subdivide the central question into several parts?

The central question may be a general question that can be subdivided into parts.  While the textbook gives an example of a college professor, I relate more to studies that might interest me.  Considering my topic of interest on the wage gap in America, I could form a central question of “What is the experience of pay for a woman who works in Texas?”.  Subquestions could help direct the central question, but even more importantly help generate questions for the data collection process of the research.  Subquestions on this particular topic could be developed to answer on the pay for women who work in Texas in executive positions, predominantly male or female organizations, sales or clerical positions, and many other variations of subsets of pay for women.  These subquestions, in this particular type of study, might help understand if there are larger or smaller pay gaps in certain subsets and how women generally feel or what they have experienced about those pay gaps.


Creswell, J.W. and Poth, C.N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry & research design. Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.

Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. M. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Sage Publications, Inc.

Response 2

How can the problem statement be best written to reflect one of the approaches to qualitative research?

In Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches, Creswell and Poth acknowledge that avoiding vague, unclear and research purposes is important in the development of a research study. In the initiation of a research study, the researcher must first identify a clear problem that is in need of investigation or resolution.   Creswell and Poth suggest that an argumentative approach could be utilized when presenting the problem (2017 p.129).  The problem is intended to highlight the need or the importance of the study in progress and should be strong. With proper architecture of the problem the next step in building the study is outlining the purpose of the story.

How can the purpose statement be best written to convey the orientation of an approach to research?

The purpose statement is responsible for supplying the intent for the study. It serves as a guide to readers and allows others to understand what to expect from the introduction of this new information. Literature suggest the avoidance of implicit language that can dilute the purpose of the statement. The purpose should be clear and provide readers with concise verbiage that promotes understanding. It is during the purpose of this study that the researcher should identify the methodology that is implemented in the research a) phenomenology, b) ethnology, or c) grounded theory are some examples. This serves as an implication of what is to come to the readers. The purpose statement is also an opportunity for the researcher to a) define the approach to a study, b) focus of study and c) outcomes.

            Creswell and Poth further mention that a central phenomenon is identified during the purpose statement step of the research process. The writer initially focuses on a singular concept in the beginning of a study and introduces secondary information which assist in identifying a central phenomenon (Creswell & Poth , 2017).

How can a central question be written so that it encodes and foreshadows an approach to qualitative research? How can subquestions be presented so that they subdivide the central question into several parts?

The author reveals that a research question, is an evolving structure that is founded by the implementation of open ended questions. This allows for the opportunity for readers to foreshadow regarding the topic. This then becomes a staring point in which is ]filtered down into a more direct question (Creswell & Poth , 2017 p.137). The central question can be encoded by introducing the 5 approaches to inquiry and followed by sub questions. The subquestions’ intent is to further refine the research by subdividing the initial research (Creswell & Poth , 2017).

            The division of subquestions can be structured by beginning sentences with what or how. This challenges readers to realize the scope of attribution that a set study may have in a field.

My interest is piqued being that I am truly retaining the beneficial information in the literature that we have been provided in this Qualitative class.  I have seen a drastic improvement and even a desire to read case studies so that I can utilize the knowledge from these studies. I am excited to engage with you all and observe your takeaways.  My question to you all includes, is there any key topic that you feel could have been addressed in this posting?


Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2017). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.

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