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The FITT-VP approach to developing an individualized exercise program is a very basic template to help ensure the primary components of a complete program are accounted for. The purpose of pre-participation screening in sports is to decrease the number of sport-related injuries and death by identifying individual abnormalities that may predispose an athlete to injury. Traditionally, pre-participation screenings consisted of a medical examination and a subjective history to identify potential risk factors for further injury such as cardiovascular conditions, asthma, diabetes, etc.  The American Heart Association (AHA) provides an outline of appropriate examination components and subjective history questions. Protocols such as the one provided by the AHA ensure consistent and uniform assessments; however, many professionals argue these protocols are not individualized enough to thoroughly analyze injury risk. In more recent years, professions suggest functional movement assessments be incorporated into pre-participation screens to identify any abnormalities in movement patterns that may predispose to musculoskeletal injuries.

For this discussion post, please offer how you would integrate the FITT-VP approach and the pre-participation procedures with an adolescent athlete seeking your expertise. (CO3) Please remember you are responsible for your post and replying to at least two of your classmates. Feel free to use the ‘Example’ post as a guideline for your post and replies.

Discussion Expectations and Guidelines

These are the expectations for all discussions related to the course. Please read carefully and review how your posts and replies will be evaluated.

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In an upper-level undergraduate course on Exercise Prescription we need to set a foundation of integrated knowledge base on best practices. We will be covering several chapters throughout the semester and applying principles to real world examples in most, if not all, cases. There may be some facilitating questions associated with the discussions that you should attempt to address but what we want is to create an opportunity to add your individual and diverse perspective for the topics we cover. After you have read the related chapter in the text book and viewed the instruction, the expectations for all discussions are as follows:

· Strengthen your writing skills, using APA, and summarize your new knowledge with the textbook and other sources,

· Relate presented concepts to something that helps your understanding. This means you should provide some context of how you would consider applying new concepts in a real-world situation, and,

· Engage with your classmates to ask questions and give scholarly feedback.

After you have read the related chapters in the text book and viewed the instruction, the assignment is to conduct your own research for further elaboration on the proposed topic and present your research in a discussion post. Requirements: You are encouraged to prepare your draft using a word processor (e.g., MS Word, Google Docs) and then ‘cut-and-paste’ your final document into your discussion thread, using the tools provided in Blackboard to complete any final edits. Your post should be a scholarly summary of 3-4 paragraphs* (with a paragraph consisting of 3-5 sentences)* that synthesizes your reading of the text and review of the literature and applies your diverse perspective in relating the material. You are required to follow APA 6 formatting guidelines for in-line citation and references, citing a minimum of 2 sources. Once you have posted your thread, you should review the threads posted by your fellow classmates and engage in a discussion, to earn the full 15 points for the assignment.

Example Citation (also look at the end of each chapter to model the format) Pescatello, L. S. (2014). ACSMs guidelines for exercise testing and prescription.

Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.

Your original post must be submitted to the discussion board no later than 11:59 pm on 1st Friday of the week in which the topic is covered. Your peer comments must be posted (using the Reply button) no later than 11:59 pm on the following Wednesday. As you will notice, our Modules are in two-week increments. Therefore, pay strict attention to the beginning and ending dates associated with each Module. Mondays will typically begin a new two- week block, but feel free to work ahead in the units if they are available. You will need to budget your time accordingly and are encouraged to work ahead in developing your discussions ahead of time if you choose. You should also respond to your peers as needed based on the critiques received from others, in the spirit of collaborative learning.

As a member of this learning community, you should strive for diversity of perspectives by seeking sources for your article that are different from those cited by your fellow learners. Acceptable sources include referenced journal articles, research studies, and scholarly texts; not opinion articles or unsubstantiated research. The discussions that you cooperatively create for each principle should provide a solid knowledge base to assist you in completion of the other assignments for this class.

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