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Managing Diversity in Work Cultures

In order to compete successfully in world markets, international leaders must be able to understand and manage diversity.  That is, they must obtain better knowledge of historical, cultural, and religious forces that motivate and drive people in foreign cultures.  In Japan, for example, business relations typically operate within the context of Wa, which means group harmony and social cohesion.  In China, business is measured via guanxi, or personal relations.  In South Korea, the inhwa concept is employed, which is based on the principles of hierarchical relationships (Alston, 1989).  These diverse cultures require international leaders to have a solid grasp of the measures by which business dealings are fostered.  Please review and provide your evidence-based rationale regarding the following:

  • Select two countries of your choice and research their business cultures.  Compare and contrast their business cultures with the US business culture.  Evaluate the similarities and differences that you find.  How should international leaders respond to this diversity within the international work culture?
  • Explain how awareness of business culture across countries can enhance strategy implementation.
  • An organization has an aggressive diversity and gender equality program and has decided to send a female senior manager to a subsidiary in another country where women are not treated as equals.  Take a position for or against this decision and support your position with reasoned arguments and citations and references to justify your premises.

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