Discussion post

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Leadership & Team Development Course





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Discussion post



Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution: Watch the two videos related to conflict resolution and respond to the following

questions. Break your initial post into at least two to three paragraphs. If you do use outside research to

support your response, be sure to cite it (

and included as a reference at the bottom). Cite the videos

provided in the


for this discussion as long as you are applying the material in them to craft your

response (and include them as references also). You may also cite outside research. Ei

ther way provide at

least two citations in your initial post. Fully answer the questions


250 word count minimum for the

initial post).

1. Are you someone who typically would rather avoid conflict or address it ‘head on’?

2. Given that most teams

will have a mixture of the two types, which suggestion for inter

team conflict

resolution do you think is the best and why?

3. How does a team supervisor select a strategy?

4. Provide an example of successful conflict resolution tactic you witnessed b

y being part of a team?

Videos from lecture





Welcome to Module 5.


is week, we explore the topics of team conflict and team satisfaction.


While two

different concepts, they are inter



Team conflict is a common occurrence and the effective team

leader i

s able to identify symptoms of conflict and provide remedies to ensure the team is functioning as a

high performance team. This also relates to team satisfaction and providing team members with the ability

to voice frustrations and overcome obstacles.

· Th

e Dan Ariely Ted Talk specifically addresses how the concepts of meaning, recognition and ownership

help team members derive satisfaction from their work.


MAN3046 Leadership & Team Development Course



Please check for grammar errors no plagiarism professor will be putting in

Discussion post

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution: Watch the two videos related to conflict resolution and respond to the following
questions. Break your initial post into at least two to three paragraphs. If you do use outside research to
support your response, be sure to cite it (
and included as a reference at the bottom). Cite the videos

provided in the lecture for this discussion as long as you are applying the material in them to craft your

response (and include them as references also). You may also cite outside research. Ei
ther way provide at
least two citations in your initial post. Fully answer the questions

250 word count minimum for the
initial post).

1. Are you someone who typically would rather avoid conflict or address it ‘head on’?

2. Given that most teams
will have a mixture of the two types, which suggestion for inter

team conflict
resolution do you think is the best and why?

3. How does a team supervisor select a strategy?

4. Provide an example of successful conflict resolution tactic you witnessed b
y being part of a team?

Videos from lecture





Welcome to Module 5. This week, we explore the topics of team conflict and team satisfaction.

While two
different concepts, they are inter


Team conflict is a common occurrence and the effective team
leader i
s able to identify symptoms of conflict and provide remedies to ensure the team is functioning as a
high performance team. This also relates to team satisfaction and providing team members with the ability
to voice frustrations and overcome obstacles.


e Dan Ariely Ted Talk specifically addresses how the concepts of meaning, recognition and ownership
help team members derive satisfaction from their work.

MAN3046 Leadership & Team Development Course

Module 5 assignment: Please check for grammar errors no plagiarism professor will be putting in turnitin

Discussion post due 1/30

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution: Watch the two videos related to conflict resolution and respond to the following
questions. Break your initial post into at least two to three paragraphs. If you do use outside research to

support your response, be sure to cite it (and included as a reference at the bottom). Cite the videos

provided in the lecture for this discussion as long as you are applying the material in them to craft your

response (and include them as references also). You may also cite outside research. Either way provide at

least two citations in your initial post. Fully answer the questions (200-250 word count minimum for the

initial post).

1. Are you someone who typically would rather avoid conflict or address it ‘head on’?

2. Given that most teams will have a mixture of the two types, which suggestion for inter-team conflict

resolution do you think is the best and why?

3. How does a team supervisor select a strategy?

4. Provide an example of successful conflict resolution tactic you witnessed by being part of a team?

Videos from lecture


lecture overview

 Welcome to Module 5. This week, we explore the topics of team conflict and team satisfaction. While two

different concepts, they are inter-related. Team conflict is a common occurrence and the effective team

leader is able to identify symptoms of conflict and provide remedies to ensure the team is functioning as a

high performance team. This also relates to team satisfaction and providing team members with the ability

to voice frustrations and overcome obstacles.

 The Dan Ariely Ted Talk specifically addresses how the concepts of meaning, recognition and ownership

help team members derive satisfaction from their work.

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