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Many traumatic injuries can be prevented. 

Think First

 is an organization that addresses prevention (research and policy) of injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury (SCI), and other injuries. Explore the website and:

  1. Discuss a minimum of one prevention strategy to prevent TBI in children and youth.
  2. Describe the role teachers and other school staff should play in the area of prevention. Should schools be responsible for prevention programs? If not who?


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Gifted children are those who display extremely high cognitive, academic and/ or performance achievement skills. A child who is gifted may be identified in these areas: high general intellect, creativity, leadership, visual and performing arts, and/ or, emotional and social characteristics.  Children who are identified will also receive some form of differentiated instruction plan as required under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Some school districts may call this an Individual Education Plan. (This education plan is not to be confused with IEP’s mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA).)  Please visit the link below and answer then answer the following questions:


  1. Based on your reading, what means do school districts use to help identify gifted children?
  2. What (if any) differentiated education services do you think are available to gifted children?
  3. In your opinion, should gifted children receive special/ differentiated education services? Why? Why Not?


When evaluating a preschool one of the things some parents will look at is academics that are taught to their child.

1- What are the most important things a parent should be looking for when deciding placement in a preschool?

2-  How do parents evaluate skill development with regards to problem solving, make-believe and artistic activities within a preschool?  Explain why these factors may be important for this evaluation?


1-How is social learning linked to academic learning?

2-How are schools providing for social development for children?

3-What are notable issues on gender-role development in society today and how are we as a family and society reacting?

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