Discussion on emerging enterprise network applications.

Research emerging enterprise network applications and describe 3 that you think are most interesting and briefly explain why you believe this.

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You must provide your own response to the main question, plus reply to two (2) other students’ responses to the question, for a total of three (3) postings for each Discussion Question assignment. All discussion questions must include a minimum of one reference but should include all those used in the development of your response to the discussion question.

Initial post: 250 words

Reply to two classmates’ posts (post 1 and post 2): 150 words each 

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Vinod Kumar Konakanchi


Hello Class,

Enterprise Network Application:

            An enterprise network is considered to be the  backbone or a platform where all the hardware, software and communication of an organization take place through exchange of data. The three main features  that are interesting are

1.     VPN Applications

2.     Firewall Software’s

3.     LAN

VPN (Virtual Private Application) Applications:

The VPN Application helps in connecting the laptops or devices to the organization network.The VPN technology gets its name from the fact that VPN connection creates a virtual private tunnel between you and the network at the other end (Underdahl, Brian & Hirschmann, J, 2014).

Firewall Software:

The firewall software helps in protecting the organization network from un authenticated network IP’s by creating a wall for the organization and protecting it against malware attacks

Local Area Network (LAN):

The local area network connectivity helps in transferring the data or exchange of files or information from one device or network to other.

The examples of three major enterprise applications that are interesting to study and understand are

1.     Customer Relationship Management Tools:

For the purpose of discussion considering the company Intercom, as most of the services have moved online especially in the current situation Intercom has come up with the product that allows the CRM to be handled from Online by handling the customer chats, keeping track of the consumers, and filtering the information as required

2.     Issue Tracking:

Tracking the issues for an organization without physical presence has been difficult, but by using certain software tools and applications online the life of the staff becomes easy. For the purpose of explaining issue tracking let us consider Atlassian Software Enterprise solution has come up with the concept of tracking the information through a software names JIRA. The software is completely online and on cloud. It has two formats Online (cloud format) or Application format. The best thing about the software is it can be connected with or without VPN or LAN if its on cloud and provides users to track the issues and resolve it with ease.

3.     Air ticketing System/Competitive Reservation System:

This system has been developed in 1960’ and 1970’s (Lucas, Henry C, 2009) which was called Computerized Reservation System(CRS’s). It was American Airlines that developed SABRE System to track reservations. Current day SABRE itself has become a organizations which helps in tracking the reservations to wide area of network through the world which many airlines are part of.


All the above enterprise applications are growing every year by enhancing and developing the features and through there outreach to a broader audience.


10 enterprise software applications every business needs. (2019, August 7). Klipfolio.com. 


Aidarious, S., & Plevyak, T. (1996). Principles of Network Management. 


Azodolmolky, S., Wieder, P., & Yahyapour, R. (2013). Cloud Computing Networking. Cloud Computing Networking: Challenges and Opportunities for Innovations, 51(7). 


Enterprise networking 101: What is an enterprise network? (2019, April 9). Extreme Networks. 


Jain, V., Mehta, K., Khurrana, Y., & Kharbanda, M. (2017). Bug tracking systems on the basis of platform and functionality. 


Janani, R., Jeradit, M., & KIM, J. (2018). Emerging Applications. Emerging Applications: Networking Applications, 1-17. 


Komukula, K. K. (2019). Emerging Enterprise Network Applications. Emerging Enterprise Network Applications. 


Underdahl, B., & Hirschmann, J. (2014). Remote Access VPN for Dummies. Wiley.

Vishwanathan, R. (2003, November 15). Trends in Enterprise Applications Architectures and Their impact on Infrastructure. Nathan Research – Automate Augment Analyze. 


Research emerging enterprise network applications and describe 3 that you think are most interesting and briefly explain why you believe this.


You must provide your own response to the main question, plus reply to two (2) other students’ responses to the question, for a total of three (3) postings for each Discussion Question assignment. All discussion questions must include a minimum of one reference but should include all those used in the development of your response to the discussion question.

Initial post: 250 words

Reply to two classmates’ posts (post 1 and post 2): 150 words each


Madhav Peyyeti


Hello Class,

There are many advancements in the IT industry, among them networking, cloud and networks are rapidly evolving, especially networking is evolving in a tremendous way, as there are traditional hardware devices and they are being replaced with cloud services, to match the speed and the data feed they are going through multiple advancements.

Cloud Networking:

The growth in cloud made many companies take advantage of it and especially small and startups have gained tremendously with less infrastructure costs and pay per use policy, as the services are always cost driven. But the companies who have the data on on-premise servers need to connect to the data in cloud and many are having issues connecting and there are new technologies that are being developed to integrate both the private and on-premise clouds.


There is a huge growth on investing on SD-WAN, there is estimated market of $4.5 billion on SD-WAN by 2022. Currently there are many companies that are depending on software defined networking and it is expected that many companies are trying to adopt, and it will be a mass increase, but software defined WAN is going to be the future. Migrating to SD-WAN will bring a great value to a company. A complicated WAN can be easily made, and one can define policy on top of the WAN, that has a mix of multiple circuits and carriers, the policy can identify the network that is needed for different applications.( Marcia Savage, 2017)


We are currently in the 4G and LTE, the future is 5G and that will bring a lot of high-speed traffic that will help in accessing and downloading data in a higher speed. (Gina Narcisi. 2020). Because of this the telecom companies network capacity needs to be increase in order to handle the incoming and outgoing data. The expectation was the 5G will be handled by the carriers like T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint and Verizon, they all are in race to provide to the customer as soon as possible, but because of the covid-19 reasons, it is being delayed.


Marcia Savage. 2017. 4 Emerging Networking Trends. Retrieved from: https://www.networkcomputing.com/data-centers/4-emerging-networking-trends

Gina Narcisi. 2020. 5 Enterprise Networking Trends To Watch In 2020. Retrieved from: https://www.crn.com/slide-shows/networking/5-enterprise-networking-trends-to-watch-in-2020/5

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