Discussion Leader Assignment

For this assignment, each student will be assigned a specific week of the course in which he/she will serve as a discussion leader. Discussion leaders will help me lead the class in discussion and move the conversation forward. Discussion leaders are encouraged to submit information that might be interesting to incorporate into the discussion prior to their assigned week. Discussion leaders will be graded on submitted materials as well as participation during their assigned weeks. For this assignment, the student will find an article about a criminal case or criminal issue from a credible news source (which means not Wikipedia or a blog – think CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, etc.) and apply the information from the assigned reading(s) for the week in a short paper. The news story must be about a criminal case/issue that occurred within the last five years in the United States that we have not discussed in the class. The analysis should be 750- 1,000 words, double-spaced with Times New Roman, 12 point font and 1” margins, in-text citations, and a reference page. APA or ASA style citation should be used and is required for this paper. The paper should answer the following questions:What specific concepts/theories from the reading(s) assigned for your week can be applied to this story/case? How does this story relate to the readings? (This refers to the readings of your assigned week.) 2. How does this further your understanding of criminology? 3. Do the details of the story support the information from the readings? Are there any details that contradict what the book says? 4. If applicable, what was the reaction to this crime or issue? Based on what you’ve learned in the class, was it appropriate? A link to the story should be included with the paper. You do not need to cover EVERY topic in the given chapter. Choose those topics that are most relevant to your given story. 

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My Topic : Violent Crimes

List of theories you can include :

Life course theory 

Propensity Theory 

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Latent theory 

Trajectory theory 

Side note: I will add information about the book that I have 

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