Discussion board responses

Respond to all discussion boards attached below. post at least one substantive comment (or comment and question) in each of the student-led discussions. Your comments should demonstrate critical thinking, extend the conversation and add to the class.  Responses should be more than just one or two sentences. 

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Discussions & Directions
ISO 9000

Quality is something every company strives for and is often times very
difficult to achieve. Complications concerning efficiency and quality
present themselves every day in business, whether an important
document cannot be found or a consumer finds a product not up to
their expectations. How can a company increase the quality of its
products and services? The answer is ISO 9000 (iso.org, n.d.).

ISO 9000 is a series, or family, of quality management standards that
presents guidelines intended to increase business efficiency and
customer satisfaction. ISO 9001 is a standard within the family. The
ISO 9000 family of standards also contains an individual standard
named ISO 9000. This standard lays out the fundamentals and
vocabulary for quality management systems (asq.org, n.d.).The goal of
ISO 9000 is to embed a quality management system within an
organization, increasing productivity, reducing unnecessary costs, and
ensuring quality of processes and products.

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The importance of ISO 9000 is the importance of quality. Many
companies offer products and services, but it is those companies who
put out the best products and services efficiently that succeed. With
ISO 9000, an organization can identify the root of the problem, and
therefore find a solution. By improving efficiency, profit can be
maximized (Mokadem, 2016).

ISO 9000 Principles

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1. Customer Focus: The customer is the primary focus of a
business. By understanding and responding to the needs of
customers, an organization can correctly targeting key
demographics and therefore increase revenue by delivering the
products and services that the customer is looking for.

2. Engagement of people: The inclusion of everyone on a business
team is critical to its success. Involvement of substance will lead
to a personal investment in a project and in turn create motivated,
committed workers. These people will tend towards innovation
and creativity, and utilize their full abilities to complete a project. If
people have a vested interest in performance, they will be eager
to participate in the continual improvement that ISO 9000

3. Process approach: This process approach to quality management
can lower costs through the effective use of resources, personnel,
and time. If a process is controlled as a whole, management can
focus on goals that are important to the big picture.

4. Evidence-based decision making: Effective decisions are based
on the analysis and interpretation of information and data. By
making informed decisions, an organization will be more likely to
make the right decision.

5. Improvement: The importance of this principle is paramount, and
should a permanent objective of every organization. Through
increased performance, a company can increase profits and gain
an advantage over competitors

6. Management system approach: If leaders are dedicated to the
goals of an organization, they will aid each other to achieve
improved productivity. Some results include integration and
alignment of key processes.

7. Relationship management: It is important to establish a mutually

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beneficial supplier relationship; such a relationship creates value
for both parties. Through close contact and interaction with a
supplier, both organizations will be able to optimize resources and
costs (asq.org, n.d.).

Some of the limitations of implementing the ISO 9000 family is that
Stakeholders do not have adequate understanding of ISO 9000
certification process. It requires training to implement it successfully.
Also it can be very expensive to establish a quality management

Before deciding to implement the ISO 9000 standards, it is important
to ask:

How does ISO 9000 interact with other standards?

How will ISO 9000 benefit the business?

How will ISO 9000 manage change?

Does enterprise size matter when implementing ISO 9000?

El Mokadem, M. (2016). ISO 9000 moderation role over supply chain
alignment in manufacturing context. Journal of Manufacturing
Technology Management. Retrieved
from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JMTM-

ISO 9000 FAMILY (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.iso.org/iso-9001-

WHAT IS THE ISO 9000 STANDARDS SERIES? (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Discussion: Lucius Riggins –
Quantum Computing – IFSM 495
6381 Trends and Practical
Applications in Information
Systems Management (2208)

In 2017, author Dan Brown released a novel titled Origin. In the book,
Dan Brown’s protagonist Robert Langdon has a friend named Edmond
Kirsch, who’s a computer scientist and futurist that builds the world’s
first quantum computer called E-Wave. In the book, E-Wave is the
most powerful computer on the planet, capable of extraordinary
calculations and other feats that are only true in the mind of the
famous author. After reading that book, I was fascinated by the
concept of quantum computing. I thought that it was complete
fiction. After doing some research, I learned that D-Wave (not E-
WAVE) is a real live, up and running, quantum computer, created by D-
Wave Systems, INC in 2011. Now that I can separate fact from fiction
let’s talk a little bit about what quantum computing is and how it works


A Few Technical Details

Dario Gil, Vice President of Science and Research at IBM, explains that
classical computer use bits, represented in 1’s and 0’s (1 = on and 0’s
= off) while quantum computers use qubits (Gil, 2017). These types of
bits can exist as a one or a zero or both at the same time. This is
known as superposition (Gil, 2017). What this means is that while a

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two-bit, classical computer has to process the four states of
information (00,10,01, and 11) one process at a time, a quantum
computer can process this information in one action (Quantum
Computer in a Nutshell, 2014). This is because two qubits contain
information about four states, while 2 bits only provide information
about one state. In a nutshell, quantum computers are much faster,
and one day would be able to “process more data, then there are
atoms in the observable universe known universe(Quantum Computer
in a Nutshell, 2014) .”

What I Learned

I enjoyed researching the topic of quantum computing. For me, the
subject borders the realm of science fiction, a subject that I love. I am
also interested in how quantum computing can help us with space
travel and help lower greenhouse gases. For instance, NASA uses D-
Wave Systems quantum computing machines to find better and safer
methods of space travel, air traffic controls, and missions involving
sending robots to far-off places in space. Climate change is real, and
quantum computing can help us lower our carbon emissions.
Dellinger,(2019) explains that simulating complex molecules requires
more power with every atom. Because quantum computers are so fast
and accurate, they can process and project data models about climate
change that would take a traditional computer 13 billion years to
accomplish. What this achieves is helping us understand how carbon
dioxide would react to different methods for capturing and processing
it. This allows scientists to reasonably decide what to do with the
carbon emissions that we produce using complex simulations. The
trend around quantum computing suggests that the technology will be
centered around cyber-warfare instead of commercial use. Some

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estimate that within a few years, nation-states like China and the U.S.
will have quantum computers capable of decrypting current
encryption paradigms. (“Top 5 Trends in Quantum Technologies to
Look for in 2020 | QuantumXC”, 2020). Another trend in quantum
computing is how the technology will protect our personal information
as 5G comes online. 5G is expected to increase the number of
connected devices, which will cause a tremendous increase in the
amount of personal information moving around the internet (“Top 5
Trends in Quantum Technologies to Look for in 2020 | QuantumXC”,
2020). To help better protect our data, experts suggest that we will
start to see QKD encryptions (Quantum Key Distribution). Quantum
key distribution is a secure communication that uses a cryptographic
protocol that involves quantum mechanics.

Several of you have posted a topic where a quantum computer is
starting to become a reality. Consider how the quantum computer will
enhance autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and the pro’ and cons in
cybersecurity. Here are your thought-provoking questions.

1. How will Quantum computing impact cybersecurity?
2. What can Quantum computing do for smart cities?
3. Do you think that we will all one day own a quantum computer?
4. How will quantum computers enhance autonomous vehicle



Dellinger, A. (2019). Can the world’s most powerful computers solve
climate change?. Mic. Retrieved 27 September 2020, from

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Gil, D. (2017). Quantum Computing Explained with a Deck of Cards –
IEEE Rebooting Computing. Rebootingcomputing.ieee.org. Retrieved
27 September 2020, from

PD Knowledge. (2014). Quantum Computer in a Nutshell [Video].

Top 5 Trends in Quantum Technologies to Look for in 2020 |
QuantumXC. Quantumxc.com. (2020). Retrieved 27 September 2020,
from https://quantumxc.com/top-5-trends-in-quantum-technologies-


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