Discussion Board and Faith & Integration Replies

Hello, I need to reply to two discussion boards and two faith & integration replies. each reply have to be a 100 words or more.  Here are the instructions for the Discussion Board replies:  Post a substantive reply to the thread of at least two classmates. A substantive reply includes at least 100 words analyzing the initial thread as well as adding to the research and concepts put forth in that thread. The goal is to create meaningful discussion. To simply restate the idea already put forth or to concur with the first reply is not adding substantial discussion. That is why it is good to do additional outside research.

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  Here is the Faith & Integration instructions:  The replies to at least 2 of your  classmates must be substantial and interactive in nature, not simply a  sentence or two of agreements. Each reply must be at least 100 words.   It is the intention of this course for the students to engage with each  other in an academic and spiritual manner 


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            The definition of an offset, according to Halil Basaran, “is the contract to offset the advantages given to the contractor by the main contract. The main contract is a sort of privilege for the supplying company and the second contract (offset contract) offsets that privilege.” (Basaran, 2017).

            In the article that I chose, “Implications of Offset Agreements”, Basaran explains how international law and offset agreements are intertwined. He explains that because offset agreements run together with governments and corporations, there is an enormous emphasis on how they conduct business and uphold their contracts. Failure to do so can, and sometimes does, result in corruption between governments since much of each country’s offset are within defense companies. Basaran used an example of how offsets were paid through defense-type transactions just after WWII, between the United States of America and West Germany, “–offset practices began with the deal between the United States of America and West Germany in the 1950s, whereby West Germany was required to buy American military equipment and services to ‘offset’ the expenses America incurred in stationing of troops in West Germany.” (Basaran, 2017)

            International business and offsets have a close relationship. The two very different terms help our countries interact with each other. Through these transactions we can help developing countries with the offset of debts and benefit of other resources. As we continue to import and export between one another, we allow developing countries the chance to be apart of the global exchange of goods and services.





Basaran, Halil Rahman. “Implications of Offset Agreements.” Suffolk Transnational Law Review, vol. 40, no. 1, Winter 2017, p. 1+. Gale General OneFile, https://link-gale-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/apps/doc/A497670688/ITOF?u=vic_liberty&sid=ITOF&xid=c1fb9a08. Accessed 2 Mar. 2020.

Carlos, A., & Leite, R. (2013). Innovation through offset agreements: An empirical study in the Brazilian defense industry. Reading: Academic Conferences International Limited. Retrieved from


Works Cited

Basaran, Halil Rahman. “Implications of Offset Agreements.” Suffolk Transnational Law Review, vol. 40, no. 1, Winter 2017, p. 1+. Gale General OneFile, https://link-gale-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/apps/doc/A497670688/ITOF?u=vic_liberty&sid=ITOF&xid=c1fb9a08. Accessed 2 Mar. 2020.

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Definition: “The container that holds the product itself. It can be divided into primary, secondary, and transit packaging”( Hill, C. & Hult, 2020, p. 427).

Summary: In the article “Big Brands Struggle to Quit Plastic,” author Saabria Chaudhuri (2019) looks into the overflow of plastic used for packaging purposes and the high need for a material replacement or an innovating idea. Many companies are looking into the thought of reusable packaging although it is inconvenient and costly. The article went into a discussion of the baby steps that need to be taken in order to find a solution for many companies to jump on board in.

Discussion: The products we find on the shelves at stores or in the cabinets at home are all mostly packaged in plastic. We are don’t even acknowledge how much plastic we touch throughout the day because it has become incredibly normal to our lives. We fail to see the wasteland the plastic is dumped in after we throw it away in the trash. This area of innovation is in need of test trials in order to find the best solution. A lawyer quoted in the article states, “If everything is plastic, we literally have no choice but to consume it”(Chaudhuri, 2019,p.3). This quote puts imagery in my mind of the desperate need for companies to experiment with workable and practical resolutions. If no company stands up for this issue, we all will be stuck. The discussion of reusable containers is just a step in the right direction even if it does not take off. A company that sees this vision is called Loop, and their goal is to sell products like ice cream and hair products “in containers designed to be returned and refilled”( Chaudhuri, 2019, p.3). I have mixed feelings about this type of solution because reusable or refill models are highly inconvenient in a world that strictly strives for continence. Overall, I do think any possible solution helps, so we are moving in the right direction of innovation.


Chaudhuri, S. (2019). Big Brands Struggle to Quit Plastic. Retrieved from


This article talks about the plastic issue within packaging materials and the desperate need for a solution. A solution mainly discussed was reusable containers.

Chaudhuri, S. (2020). Glass, Once the King of Packaging, Seeks a Comeback. Retrieved from


Over the issue of plastic used for packaging, glass is looking like a future option of hope. This could help the glassmaking industry incredibly.

Hill, C. & Hult, T. (2020). Global business today. (11th Ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Rhodes, M. (2020). Startups Wrap Brand Identity With Sustainable Packaging. Retrieved from


Companies are starting to realize the importance of packaging to the consumer. This has given many companies an area to become unique and create packaging that is different and helps them stand out.

Anna-Grace Brooks

Professor Tanner

Liberty University


Question 1

1. Visit Gap Missions ministry at their website:


and answer the following:
(1) Provide a brief overview about the organization. (2) Identify and briefly describe the different global mission ministries and projects they are involved with and support. (3) Is their focus in one or multiple countries? (4) What type of mode(s) of entry as described in the chapter do they most closely engage and resemble?

This organization is unlike any other. It was founded in the year of 1989. Its sole purpose is to enlighten the eyes of people in Africa, Middle East and more. Their main focus is to spread the gospel like wildfire in these regions and experience God turning hearts around for Him. They said that not a lot of people in these regions know about God. This is a tragedy and it is ultimately why gap missions came into being. They are not just a platform for spreading truth, they also make and produce churches in these places. They want these people to continue to grow in their walk. One of the many places they are able to do this is through a church body. Ephesians 5:1-2 states, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (OpenBible,1).” This ministry is constantly displaying the fragrant aroma of Christ… just as they are called to do. They stated in the website that some of their projects include: medical service, service teams, AND SENDING people out. This is so vital. People can talk about Christianity and service all the time. However, it is so special to be able to BE the hands and feet of Jesus firsthand. It also stated that by praying is one way you could be global. It is hard being in ministry and the website hints at this point. This Bible verse states from Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths (OpenBible,1).” God hears prayers from everywhere. It said their focus is everywhere in the world. However, they mainly focus on a couple places to make it easier upon themselves and others involved. As for the mode of entry, they are most certainly either exporting or partnering. They send medical help, send people, send supplies and more. This all relates back to the topic of exporting. They also partner with varying people and companies to ensure the people in the world acquire the proper care.


Open Bible. Being Like Christ. Retrieved from



Open Bible. Being Like Christ. Retrieved from https://www.openbible.info/topics/being_like_christ.

Question 4

1. Read Luke 6:27-31, also known as the “Golden Rule.” Now consider the 3 major principles of total quality: Customer Focus, Participation and Teamwork, and Continuous Improvement and Learning. Write a short essay that explains possible ways in which a global operations manager could connect the Golden Rule concepts to the 3 major principles of total quality.

Luke 6:27-31, also known as the “Golden Rule”, can be closely related to the 3 major principles of total quality. First off, if we are going to be focused on the customer we must be willing to follow verse 29 as it says, “If someone strikes you on the cheek, turn him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic” (NIV). To be focused on the customer there must be an awareness that sometimes that customer will be the ones we need to turn the other cheek to and if they take our cloak we shouldn’t stop them from taking our tunic. While this may seem like a very hard thing to do and not good for business, it will set you apart and make people notice you are different. Consequently bringing in more loyal trusting customers which leads to a stronger business while also glorifying God. Participation and teamwork can be connected to verse 28 that says, “Bless those who cure you, pray for those who mistreat you” (NIV). If we are to come together as a business and participation we must be able to be at peace with our fellow employees even if they have caused issues for us in the past. This creates a solid base for teamwork and participation. Finally, continuous improvement and learning connects to verse 31 that says, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (NIV). Do you expect the best from others and always have them be preforming at the highest level? Is it a benefit for you to have someone who is always improving and learning? Than be that person for someone else. Living by the Golden Rule is crucial in almost any aspect of business and specifically in the topic of the principles of total quality.


Holy Bible. (n.d.) New International Version

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