discussion board 5 Ag

Discussion Board Question 5: Former President Donald Trump unquestionably still wields considerable influence within the Republican party due to the almost cult-like devotion of millions of personal supporters. Corporate America from Wall Street down to the local Chamber of Commerce has strongly condemned Trump for the storming of the Capitol on January 6th and in the words of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, want to ‘move on’ from Trump before the 2022 midterm elections. Republicans can possibly win back the Senate if it does not fall victim to vicious primary battles with Trump-anointed candidates that would leave them vulnerable to Democrats in the general election. Do you think that the Republican party can move away from Trumpism, which the nation showed it had enough of by Trump’s defeat by over 7 million votes or are they stuck with an ideology that only appeals to a third of the country? Be sure to use examples to support your key points.

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