Discussion Board

Through Marriott’s Bridges Program, Emmanuel Tril obtained a job at SOMA Orthopedics in Oakland, California. Emmanuel uses a wheelchair for mobility but emphasizes that people should consider what he can do, rather than what he can’t do. Emmanuel was hired to translate medical documents, but he now translates for doctors who don’t speak Spanish and patients who don’t speak English.

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Discussion board instructions

Review the attached document(s) or video(s) and use the questions listed below as prompts for discussion with your classmates.  Guidelines are to complete each post before the due date with a minimum of 150 words. Include in your posts some concepts and vocabulary from the assigned video or document, textbook, and/or lecture slides to demonstrate your understanding of the lesson for the module. 

Answer the following questions:

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Aside from the translation, what other benefits does SOMA Orthopedics experience because of hiring Emmanuel?

Emmanuel and other people with disabilities want to work, and many employers say they have trouble finding good workers. After viewing this video, what are some specific steps an employer might take to find potential employees like Emmanuel and others with disabilities who want and are able to work?


Choose at least one question prompt below:

What about the video/activity/reading was most surprising to you or intrigued you the most?

How would you apply what you have learned?

How does the video/activity/reading remind you of a personal event or story?

How does the video/activity/reading relate to concepts you learned in class or from the text?

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