Discussion Board

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For our discussion board this week, I would like each one of you to introduce yourself to me and to your classmates. Please tell us about your nursing journey, your place of employment, your job, your short- and long-term goals, and what specifically you plan to do with your FNP degree. I’m looking forward to knowing you better. Thank you.

Please help me to develop a good introduction to my teacher and classmates. 

I was born in Colombia where I got a title as Physician 2004 then I went to Spin where I worked as Family Physician until 2012.

I got my degree on BSN in 2018, then I pass NCLEX April 2019 and started MSN April of 2019 

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Currently I work in a Med Spa located in West palm Beach, FL doing Aesthetics procedures.

with FNP degree I want to increase the scope of practice and start working in an office with MD and others NP.

Goals short time is reach good grading on this of course and learn about farmacology and Role of the Nurse Practitioner and the use of most frequently precribed medications

Goals long time is continue with my education improving skills  and  get a stable job and get FNU degree

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