Discussion Bio A&P

  1. Choose a specific tissue type (e.g., adipose tissue) and respond to the following in a post of at least 300 words:

    What major tissue type does your chosen tissue example belong to?
    What gross and histological features do all tissues in this major tissue type exhibit?
    What subcellular details makes your chosen tissue example distinct from others in the same grouping? (E.g., abundance or lack of certain organelle)
    How do these subcellular features make your chosen tissue type specialized for its function at specific locations?
    Examine how possible medical conditions can arise in your chosen tissue type due to abnormal organelle structure or function.

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  2. In your follow-up posts, post a resource from a scientific journal that you think is excellent that extends the information provided in your peer’s post.

    First, directly copy a paragraph or excerpt from the chosen source that you think enhances your peer’s post.
    Next, paraphrase and summarize using your own words the information from the paragraph you copied.
    You must explain why or how the information enhances or extends the information provided. See the Grading and Evaluation section in the Syllabus module for links to research databases at the CCCOnline Library.

  3. Consult the resources that are posted to your own post and explain why each resource is or isn’t a valid resource.
  4. All references must be cited using APA Style format. Please refer to the CCCOnline APA Citation Toolkit.

References should be reliable websites that the teacher can review. Please also check out the attached grading rubric. 

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