discussion as

1. Watch this short video regarding correlation and causation:

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2. Read the section of the APA ethics code that involves Research (Standard 8). http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/

3. Read the following research article and the newspaper article involving Facebook.(copy and paste the links in your browser if they don’t open). They are about the same study. The NYTimes article will help you understand what you are reading on the PNAS site. You need to read both of them.

a. http://www.pnas.org/content/111/24/8788.full  

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b. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/30/technology/facebook-tinkers-with-users-emotions-in-news-feed-experiment-stirring-outcry.html?_r=0

4. Briefly summarize what the Facebook research study was about and what the findings/results were (This part of your post should only be a 2-3 sentences). 

5. Using the information you learned about correlation and causation from your textbook readings and video determine if the results of the Facebook study demonstrate causation or correlation? If so, state whether it is correlation or causation and why. (please be careful not to confuse relationships with cause and effect). What other variables could account for the results? (Explain).

6. Using the information you learned from reading the APA Ethics code, answer the following: If the Facebook research was to be conducted by psychologists, were there any ethical issues/violations as a result of conducting the experiment? Explain and support your response. You may also include any other thoughts regarding the research.

 Initial post due 1/22 by 11:59pm

response to classmate due: 1/26 by 11:59pm

Remember to read the grading criteria carefully. Remember to cite all sources (including the ethics code and Facebook research article) in APA style. Please see APA style link for more information.(Review the discussion assignment general instructions on the START HERE! link. 

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