
 What did you find to be compelling and enlightening? And what other advice could you give from your experience.

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There are many contributing factors that can influence ethical leadership.  The five factors or principles identified  by Northouse (2018) include respect for others, service to others, justice, honesty and building a strong community.  The two that I feel are most important are respect and honesty.  Respect plays a vital role in many components of successful leadership, including ethical leadership.  Ethical leaders understand and value respect for others and find ways to show understand and support of diversity and respect other’s opinions on important matters.  Ethical leaders understand that respect serves as a tool to building loyalty and trust amongst their followers.  Honesty is critical in building trust and respect with followers.  Being honest means more than telling truths and facts.  Ethical leaders must be open to others, be transparent and provide opportunities to address concerns and feelings that may occur with planned and unplanned changes (Northouse, 2018).  Ethical leaders know how to positively impact followers and others by not hiding facts, being open with what is known or not known, and taking responsibility for mistakes that occur.  When a leader is dishonest it can create a lack of trust and drive followers away from them.

Currently, I lead a group of 15 individuals that are currently on 60-day notices.  The team has been faced with countless changes, uncertainty, and been tasked with many new responsibilities during a very difficult time.  Ethical leaders must be open and honest with the difficulties that individuals face and find ways to support them through struggles.  Respecting how each person feels and helping address their feelings in a constructive manner have helped to push through the difficulties they have faced with this transition.  Honesty about what is known, not known and what is in or out of our control helps to eliminate confusion, miscommunication, and mistrust.  The team has been tasked with training the individuals that will be replacing them, which can be difficult for even the most professional individuals.  By guiding them with the ethical principles in mind the process of navigating them through these unpresented times has been successful.  Transformational leaders understand there is a moral component of leadership, which can help to connect the values of the organization to the values of individuals (Northouse, 2018).  I would describe myself as a transformational leader in many ways, which has helped to successfully understand and support the needs, values and morals of each follower during this difficult time.

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