
 I need 250 words Initial Post and 2 replies of 60-70 words each. I will post the replies later after the initial post. I need initial post in 5  hours

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Let’s have a meaningful class discussion about Race and Ethnic Inequality by applying critical thinking skills and concepts as presented in Module 3 items # 40 thru 43. Contribute reactions, comments and additional examples.

Be respectful of your classmates. 

  • Minimum requirements:

Offer 1 observation (2 typed paragraphs or 2 minute video)


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Reply to 2 classmates (1 typed paragraph to each or 1 minute video to each)

  • Remember to use the Rich Text Editor to add your typed-written response, video, images, equations, tables, links and more!
  • “Your posts should reflect you spent at least 20 minutes to reflect on each of these tasks.” This means 20 minutes on your initial observation and 20 minutes responding to two classmates.
  • Reflect on your experience reading and reviewing module content, make connections, examine content through the lens of abstraction or theory, and generate your own questions about it, to take more active and conscious control in understanding it through your observations and discussions.
  • Staggering your responses will help the discussion and interactions with others since many will post shortly before the deadline, making discussion difficult. Visit the discussion board well before the due date and continue to visit posts until the deadline to generate and keep conversations going.

Andrea Frunz

Sunday11 Oct at 15:32

Manage discussion entry

This module was very eye opening, there are a lot of stereotypes and opinions when it comes to racial and ethnic inequality. There is a lot of inequality that goes on in our world from job discrimination to housing discrimination. In the first video presented to us there was an example of a game and it demonstrated certain housing policies that were in place making it harder for Latinos or African Americans to move out of low income areas into newly developed or suburban neighborhoods. These policies make it practically impossible for Latinos or African Americans to move over all discriminating against them and creating these primarily white neighborhoods. Some of these policies have since been removed but because of the gap over generations and generations it is still impossible.  Housing is only one example of where this inequality exists and even when there are changes it can not be reversed over a single generation. 

In the second video presented in regards to implicit bias, Hockett says implicit bias  is connected to our subconscious and it not directly expressed through our thoughts but does align with our spoken out loud thoughts and through our verbal communication.  Implicit bias is unavoidable and we all have it even if we don’t think we do. We all have a bias towards something even if it’s not very obvious, women could unconsciously favor a women in the debate of a man or women simply because she’s a women and they can relate.  

PBS’s “Race- The Power of Illusion” was a helpful tool that provided a different perspective of race. One sections of the website I utilized was the “What is Race” section that has 10 different facts. Race is a modern societal concept that did not exist in ancient societies. Race also has no one distinct genetic marker that everyone of a specific race has. This made me wonder who came up with this concept of race and why it became a big deal. Different cultures have always existed, but I believe there wasn’t specific negative connotations towards certain cultures so why are certain races looked at negatively and this makes me wonder where why this ever occurred. Additionally, 

Julia Gray


This particular module content has really educated me more on the controversial topics of race and inequalities that accompany, and it has inspired me to do more research and to remain open-minded to hearing other’s stories and experiences in relation to this material. There has been several upbringings of this social issue during this time of the pandemic, and when the Black Lives Matter Movement popularized during quarantine, I set aside time to educate myself on this topic, by hearing both sides of the argument and understanding why this is a social problem and why it continues to linger. From the research and education I took on to be more familar with these topics, I realized how important it is to understand and be aware of these issues because awareness and how to speak upon these topics is what will create a change within a society. I felt it was a really good time to read this material because I think so many of us could make connections to what is currently happening in the world, and I have already learned so much from the reading material, reading others comments on the reading, and doing outside research. One thing that really stuck out to me while completing the reading and doing the assignments was learning about how people consider racial discrimination and inequality nonexistent because they only consider slavery to fit this category. Why would some only consider this when in reality, the terms racism and discrimination are not unambiguous? Just from this example alone, it certainly demonstrates how education on these topics are essential to seek progression within a society, and I think that most feel that they are well aware of this social issue, but I think there is a lot of information and events that people either don’t know about or they just don’t want to come to the realization that this is still an ongoing issue. 

Regarding the theories of prejudices, I felt that I really understood the sociological perspective because it discusses how people conform to others opinions and perspectives, which I think that in some situation of our lives, we have all experienced a social conformity pressure at some point. The social learning theory consists of people who are prejudice are merely conforming to the culture in which they grew up. I definitely think this is something that we have actually done or something we have witnessed time and time again. There are a lot of things that we conform to without even realizing it, such as in a lot of circumstances, we often share the same political views as our parents or represent the same political party as them, without actually really knowing why or how because I think it’s just expected of us. There are also other aspects of conformity that create prejudices such as the news media, and it is really worrysome to think about because the media is where we get all our news from and is the resource we utilize to find out information on current events. Yet, it is often so dramatized that we actually might not be getting the whole story or fully accurate accounts and information. Why is it that people are so quick to make judgments and settled opinions based off of the media, when it could be more valuable to create your own perspective and opinion on a topic from your own outside research and education? It is really interesting to think about this because I feel that people do not want to take the time to really learn and go more in depth about social issues, especially this one, which is only hindering society. The past assignments and reading have really aided my comprehension on these topics, and the conncections that I have generated from current events has really strenghtened my knowledge on these topics, and I hope that people will yearn to seek a change for these social problems, not because they feel pressured to, but because they want to see a positive change in society.  

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