Discussion 7

All discussion posts are relevant to the topic and are presented logically and clearly. This includes initial posts and posts to peers. Direct course applications and synthesis of scholarly information is easily discernable. One post written in response to fellow learners’ post and are each between 100-150 words. Responses are substantive insightful and contain at least one reference.

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Critical Appraisal of Literature

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is the epitome of preparation in the practice of nursing. Their programs emphasize majorly on a practice that is unprecedented and evidence-based, and one that reflects the application of sustainable research findings. As a practice specialty, this nursing scholarship enlightens science, impacts policy, improves clinical practice and governs better ways of educating nurses to become clinicians, leaders and scholars. DNP-prepared nurses have begun to take up roles that focus on nursing informatics, leadership, translating knowledge, improving quality of science and applying implemented science. Improving and implementing science and research have been the main focus to determine the interventions that greatly support integration of knowledge into daily nursing practices (Trautman, Idzik, Hammersla, & Rosseter, 2018).

As a DNP prepared nurse, it is crucial to critically appraise available literature for application to practice in order to determine their importance, applicability and reliability. As a practitioner, I would conduct the appraisal by designing different checklists that will enable me to ask relevant questions on different types of research objectives. These checklists enhance and standardize a reliable translation of data and information available to patients, nurses and doctors (Chism, 2017). Some of the major questions on my checklist would be;

1. Is the literature relevant to my field?

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2. Will the study add any new evidence in my field?

3. What is the type and design of the research question? A developed research question will identify the target group, study parameter and the results of interest.

4. Does the research test a stated hypothesis?

5. Does the research information justify the conclusions?

6. Are there available conflicts of interests in the study?

7. Will the results enable me manage my patients?

Successful completion of this appraisal process will enable me to appreciate how strong the evidence is, and eventually decide whether or not I can and will apply it to my practice.


Chism, L. A. (Ed.). (2017). The doctor of nursing practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Trautman, D. E., Idzik, S., Hammersla, M., & Rosseter, R. (2018). Advancing scholarship through translational research: The role of PhD and DNP prepared nurses. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(2).

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