Discussion 5 World War II

 Describe the damage and discuss the political significance of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

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write a min 100 word per paragraph answer. It’s best to present your thoughts in three complete paragraphs.

Describe the damage and discuss the political significance of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

write a min 100 word per paragraph answer.it’s best to present your thoughts in three complete paragraphs.

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Japan sought to create a “New Order” in Asia, and just as Germany tried to destroy enemy air power on the ground during initial surprise attacks, Japan attacked air forces without warning in the opening battles of the Pacific War.

Surprise Attack: The surprise attack on December 7-8, 1941 was not that Japan attacked territory of western powers, but that Japan launched a three-prong attack against Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, and Malaya.

Pearl Harbor: The Japanese naval air forces disabled the aerial defense capabilities in Hawaii by attacking aircraft at various airfields first, and the Japanese attackers sank and damaged many battleships, but they missed the oil storage facilities and the aircraft carriers which would prove crucial to the United States conduct of the war in the Pacific.

The surprise bombing of the American naval harbor of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 by the Japanese navy had many consequences, including its role in precipitating the United States’ entrance into World War II. However, in legal circles, the most important results of the attack on Pearl Harbor were the justifications that the event provided for forcing Japanese and Japanese-American citizens living in the United States to be confined to so-called “relocation camps” for the duration of the war.

Read more about the attack on Pearl Harbor by visiting these sites:


Results of the Attack on Pearl Harbor [link]


Real Reason Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor [link]


Laws.com  (2019). Results of the Attack on Pearl Harbor.  Retrieved from 

Results of the attack on Pearl Harbor

Hanson, Victor Davis  (2014,September 13). Real Reason Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor . Retrieved from 

Real reason Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor

NewDoc Films (2015, June 10). Wold War II – Attack on Pearl Harbor. .  Retrieved from 



War Archives (2011, August 26). 

President Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares War on Japan (Full Speech). .

  Retrieved from 

Hoffman, David (2009, July 30). 
How Pearl Harbor Was Attacked. The True Story. .
 Retrieved from 

Learning Unit 12.1


Despite news of the Japanese attack on the Hawaiian islands, U.S. air forces were largely destroyed on the ground in the Philippines, which Japan invaded that December and occupied with the 6 May 1942 surrender of forces on Corregidor island.

Japan occupied the Philippines for over three years, until the surrender of Japan. A highly effective guerrilla campaign by Philippine resistance forces controlled sixty percent of the islands, mostly jungle and mountain areas. MacArthur supplied them by submarine, and sent reinforcements and officers. Filipinos remained loyal to the United States, partly because of the American guarantee of independence, and also because the Japanese had pressed large numbers of Filipinos into work details and even put young Filipino women into brothels.

General MacArthur kept his promise to return to the Philippines on 20 October 1944. During the campaign, the Imperial Japanese Army conducted a suicidal defense of the islands. Cities such as Manila (the second most destroyed Allied city in WWII) were reduced to rubble. Between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Filipinos died during the occupation.

 Please watch this video on what happened in the Phillippines.

For more on the Philippines, please visit this site:


Military History of the Philippines during World War II [link] 

Changing Tide: Having destroyed most of the defensive aircraft in Hawaii, the Philippines, and Malaya early in the Japanese advance, the Japanese moved rapidly and relatively unhindered until the Allies established air transport routes to support Allied action in the Pacific. 

Doolittle’s Raid: General James H. “Jimmie” Doolittle led a squadron of Raiders against Tokyo in April 1942 in a symbolic demonstration that the Japanese homeland was vulnerable and that the Allies intended to bring the Pacific war to Japan.

For more on Jimmy DoLittle, please visit this site:


James H. DoLittle [link]


The Best Film Archives (2014, September 18). 
Battle of Manila | 1945 | Liberation of the Philippines by the US Army | Documentary
. Retrieved from 

American Veterans Center (2017, April 11). 

American Valor: The Dolittle Raiders

. Retrieved from 

History.com editors (2009, November 9). James H. Dolittle. Retrieved from 


Attachments area

Preview YouTube video How Pearl Harbor Was Attacked. The True Story

How Pearl Harbor Was Attacked. The True Story

Preview YouTube video President Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares War on Japan (Full Speech) | War Archives

President Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares War on Japan (Full Speech) | War Archives

Preview YouTube video World War II – Attack on Pearl Harbor. Watch Full Documentary in Color

World War II – Attack on Pearl Harbor. Watch Full Documentary in Color

Preview YouTube video Battle of Manila | 1945 | Liberation of the Philippines by the US Army | Documentary

Battle of Manila | 1945 | Liberation of the Philippines by the US Army | Documentary

Preview YouTube video American Valor: The Doolittle Raiders (Narrated by Mike Rowe)

American Valor: The Doolittle Raiders (Narrated by Mike Rowe)

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