Discussion 5


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Organizing Ideas: The Academic Outline 

This discussion focuses on the academic outline and will help prepare you for this week’s Assignment as well.

You should prepare your initial post in a Word document before copying and pasting into the Discussion Board. Before you begin your initial post, make sure you have turned off the automatic numbering in Word as explained in the Reading.

For the initial post, provide the following:

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  • Provide the final research question you used for the annotated bibliography.
  • Under the research question, provide an academic-style (alphanumeric) outline for this unit’s assignment. You must have an introduction, conclusion, and at least three main topics, each with at least two subtopics. The formatting is explained in the reading. Do not use bullets.
  • Write your outline as a regular post; you should be able to copy and paste from your Word document. Do not attach your outline in document form.
  • The 100-word minimum usually required of initial posts will not be required for this discussion as long as the guidelines above are met.

When writing responses to others, feel free to suggest changes, omissions, or additions, but do not rewrite the classmate’s outline. You may also suggest additional sources.

Discussion parameters:

  • Write your initial post in your own words; do not quote or copy from sources.
  • Do not copy the questions into your post.
  • Write an original descriptive subject line for your initial post.
  • Write with formal, professional language.
  • Work to meet all posting guidelines and expectations.

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