
How has aspects of communication theory affected your relationships in your personal life and/or with those at your workplace? Do you agree with examples below or what would you do different?

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Leaders vs. Managers

Managers are focused on tight constraints of budget, planning, and acquiring resources to ensure goals are met. They focus on making sure employees finish tasks and do them correctly. Leaders establish a vision and then motivate and inspire team members to work toward the vision. 

It is important for leaders to establish common ground in the global environment. Leaders who adapt their behavior to the situation they’re facing tend to have more successful relationships in a global environment. Having a good understanding of cultural differences is helpful as well. 

Supporting knowledge and innovation across cultures will bridge a connection between people that will help to break down silos and advance team cohesiveness.

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In my own work environment, there are many managerial tasks that must be completed to ensure operations function efficiently and appropriately. At the same time, leadership skills are needed to keep associates engaged and motivated to perform to their full potential. In a large department, it is imperative that leaders continue to communicate and encourage employees to seek new perspectives on problem-solving. Creating an atmosphere of trust to inspire motivation.

Communication is a critical part of survival. Every living being uses communication to relay messages from the sender to the receiver to translate and elicit a response. In the work setting, communication is absolutely an essential part of leadership. Leaders communicate messages daily to get people to complete tasks and improve work performance. Associates also communicate daily in the form of talking, body language, and performance. All of these things are communicating a message to the leader about how they feel. 

Communication across cultures is even more important because of the layers of culture. Leaders need to understand the cultural sensitivity of groups and work to create trust and connection. As different cultural groups discover new ways of doing things, it is essential that the leader is building a community and connecting the groups together. Creating a safe environment fostering respect for others and supporting the integration of the team. 

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