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Chapter 7 presents a comparative analysis of various tools useful in policymaking. Select two tools described in chapter 7 from different categories, and describe how these tools could be used to develop a policy for optimizing bus and local train schedules to minimize energy use and passenger wait times in a SmartCity environment.  

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, select two tools described in chapter 7 from different categories, and describe how these tools could be used to develop a policy for optimizing bus and local train schedules to minimize energy use and passenger wait times in a SmartCity environment.

ITS 832
Chapter 7

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Comparative Analysis of Tools and Technologies for Policy Making

Information Technology in a Global Economy


Policy making
Assessment methodology
Tools summary

Policy Making
Political visions  programs and actions
Purpose is to change the real world
Multidisciplinary field
ICT offers opportunities to modernize policy making
Better understand reality
Increase stakeholder engagement
Respond within tighter timeframes
Provide higher quality deliverables

Assessment Methodology
Initial search – targeted
Expanded search – general
Select and read scholarly papers
Follow references from scholarly papers
11 logical groups
Comparative analysis

Tools Categories
Opinion mining
Serious games
Tools specifically designed for policy makers
Social network analysis (SNA)
Big data analytics
Semantics and linked data

Examined 75 tools grouped into 11 categories
Focus on 3 main areas of policy making
Main activities
Stage of the policy cycle
Stakeholder types
Links to many tools discussed in the paper
Research methods employed

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