Discussion 2: Violent Borders, Chapters 4


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Initial Post (at least150 words)

For your initial post, explain what you believe to be the most compelling, revealing, or problematic argument Jones makes in Chapter 4 and relate any particular examples, facts, or statistics that stood out to you. Explain your reasoning and explain how the content of your post relates or connects to one or more of the border issues discussed in the first three chapters of the book or any relevant research you find interesting or important to include. (Always cite your sources by indicating page numbers for any quotes you may have used from the book and linking in URLs to any research conducted. See helpful Canvas Guides below). 

Reply to Two Posts (50 WORD FOR EACH)

Respond to two of you peers’ posts by acknowledging the significance (and accuracy) of the information presented by your peers, and add on to their work by discussing how it connects to other arguments and/or other additional support from the chapter, other parts of the book, or your own research. If you have a different understanding of Jones’ argument or find any contradictory research, it is important to share this with your peers. (Use the toolbar to link in the URL to any source you use; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).

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First peer post

The most important argument that Jones makes in this chapter is, how the borders make decisions on whether or not to help or harm people coming in, as well as creating restrictions for their citizens, so that they would have complete control over any situation. For the past couple hundred years, people from lower class and poorer countries immigrated to the U.S. looking for a better life for themselves and their families. In the countries they lived in before, they were hardworking men and women, having no beacon of hope for a better paying job or living condition for their family, having the ability to make a better life for themselves and their family is what set America different from all other countries. The abuse of power that countries use by forcing some citizens to do their work without giving them a choice is wrongfully misplaced. This is an ongoing problem that all borders are creating with people trying to move from one area to another.


I think the most important and revealing argument that Jones makes in chapter four is that the whole reason for borders and documents is so that countries can have more control over the people. Every country’s reason for borders and restrictions is to gain more control. These restrictions were implemented on the poor, but when these restrictions were lifted, “a new system of citizenship and documents was soon implemented” in order to gain back the control that was lost in Europe and was quickly adopted by other countries (77). Jones also points out that the “growing importance of citizenship… resulted in increasingly strict monitoring of movements at borders” because of control and also services that countries were now providing their citizens such as health care. The main point is that all of these documents and changes that affect the borders were made in order to gain more control over the people living within the borders.

This argument that Jones makes connects to one of the arguments made in chapter one. In chapter one, Jones argues that the EU purposefully tries to make migration difficult in order to deter migration. This all has to do with control. By limiting movement by placing restrictions on it, rights are limited which causes more power to the country. This was a result of the “deterrence policy that makes crossing its borders difficult” in attempt to limit the amount of free will the people have (23). Jones’ argument in chapter one clearly relates to the argument made in chapter four.

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